此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/jiejieTop/mqttclient master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支5 标签7 杰杰Merge pull request #82 from wuhaogs/fix_wu...956e0c81年前 ...
mqtt-free-pascal This the MQTT client code for Delphi by Jamie Ingilby with changes to make it useable in Free Pascal. http://jamiei.com/blog/code/mqtt-client-library-for-delphi/ Changes: Rewrote the reader thread loop so as to make it simpler and faster also fixes a bug whereby the ...
<MQTT_Library_name> is the MQTT Client library being used (e.g. coreMQTT) <MQTT_Library_version> is the version of the MQTT Client library being used (e.g. 1.0.2) Example Actual_Username = “iotuser”, OS_Name = FreeRTOS, OS_Version = V10.4.3, Hardware_Platform_Name = WinSim,...
[25] 08-clientid认证-mqt... 784播放 待播放 [26] 09-http认证-认证原理及请求... 1716播放 13:05 [27] 10-http认证-认证服务开发 920播放 15:20 [28] 11-http认证-mqttx客户... 1091播放 03:29 [29] 12-客户端sdk-paho介绍 1453播放 04:11 [30] 13-客户端sdk-paho客户端... 979...
broker: broker.hivemq.com tcp port: 1883 websocket port: 8000 tls tcp port: 8883 tls websocket port: 8884 view public broker free mqtt browser client by hivemq the hivemq mqtt browser client is an mqtt websocket client interface. use any modern browser on any device as a full-fledged ...
(s), the cluster is adapted to execute messaging engines of a publish-subscribe service for forwarding a plurality of messages to a plurality of subscribing clients, each message is associated with one of a plurality of topics, wherein distributed subscriptions client(s) applies shared ...
[11] 06-MQTT数据包组成结构 1317播放 05:55 [12] 07-MQTT固定报文头详解(上) 1386播放 07:09 [13] 07-MQTT固定报文头详解(下) 723播放 07:09 [14] 08-MQTT消息服务质量QoS图... 936播放 07:15 [15] 08-MQTT消息服务质量QoS图... 1036播放 ...
broker: broker.hivemq.com tcp port: 1883 websocket port: 8000 tls tcp port: 8883 tls websocket port: 8884 view public broker free mqtt browser client by hivemq the hivemq mqtt browser client is an mqtt websocket client interface. use any modern browser on any device as a full-fledged ...
A high-performance, high-stability, cross-platform MQTT client, developed based on the socket API, can be used on embedded devices (FreeRTOS / LiteOS / RT-Thread / TencentOS tiny), Linux, Windows, Mac, with a very concise The API interface realizes the q
一个高性能、高稳定性的跨平台MQTT客户端,基于socket API之上开发,可以在嵌入式设备(FreeRTOS/LiteOS/RT-Thread/TencentOS tiny)、Linux、Windows、Mac上使用,拥有非常简洁的API接口,以极少的资源实现QOS2的服务质量,并且无缝衔接了mbedtls加密库。 优势: