ESTABLISHED:正常数据传输状态 FIN_WAIT1:应用说它已经完成 FIN_WAIT2:另一边已同意释放 ITMED_WAIT:等待所有分组死掉 CLOSING:两边同时尝试关闭 TIME_WAIT:另一边已初始化一个释放 LAST_ACK:等待所有分组死掉 三、TCP的发送缓冲区和接收缓冲区 TCP协议是作用是用来进行端对端数据传送的,那么就会有发送端和接收端,...
reconnectOnConnackError:false, whether to also reconnect if a CONNACK is received with an error. connectTimeout:30 * 1000milliseconds, time to wait before a CONNACK is received username: the username required by your broker, if any password: the password required by your broker, if any incomin...
在您的场景中,timeToWait 参数设置理论上应该限制等待消息确认的时间,但请注意,这个参数仅在同步操作模式下有效,并且它定义的是客户端在断开连接之前等待响应的最长时间。如果在设置了 timeToWait 后仍然遇到阻塞问题,可能的原因有: 版本兼容性问题:尽管您已经尝试更新了 Paho 客户端到最新版本,但请确保 Spring Integ...
"WebSocket": { "WaitTime": 2, "KeepClean": false, "Behavior": { "IgnoreExtensions": true, "EmitOnPing": false } }, "EventBus": { "EventBusConnection": "${EventBusConnection}|", "EventBusUserName": "${EventBusUserName}|guest", "EventBusPassword": "${EventBusPassword}...
ived,NULL);printf("Subscribed to topic %s\n", TOPIC);while(1) {// Wait for messages to arrive} MQTTClient_disconnect(client,10000); MQTTClient_destroy(&client);returnrc; } 5. 编译和运行 将以上代码分别保存为mqtt_server.c和mqtt_client.c,并使用以下命令编译: ...
("tcp://").SetClientID("emqx_test_client") opts.SetKeepAlive(60 * time.Second) // Message callback handler opts.SetDefaultPublishHandler(f) opts.SetPingTimeout(1 * time.Second) c := mqtt.NewClient(opts) if token := c.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error()...
("tcp://this.does.not.resolve.example.coooom:1883") opts.SetClientID("monitor") opts.SetOrderMatters(false) opts.SetConnectTimeout(timeout) client := mqtt.NewClient(opts) if token := client.Connect(); token.Wait...
wait_time = between(2,2)def__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)# 从队列中获取客户端 username 和 client_idcurrent_client = client_queue.get() self.client = mqtt_client.Client(current_client[1]) ...
The maximum time to wait to connect to the server and the server returns a CONNACK. Defaults to 60s. {bridge_mode, boolean()} Enable bridge mode or not. Defaults to false. {clientid, ClientID} Specify the client identifier. If not given, the client identifier will use the value assigned...
_Status == MQTTStatus.Failed) { _WaitTime += Time.deltaTime; if (_WaitTime > ReconnectGapTime) { _WaitTime = 0; Reconnect(); } } } /// <summary> /// 初始化MQTT信息 /// </summary> private void InitMQTT() { MqttClientOptionsBuilder ...