ESP8266最多设置三个SNTP服务器,其中SNTP服务器0是主服务器,剩下的两个是备用服务器。我们可以调用sntp_setservername(0, "");和sntp_setserver(2, addr);API来设置服务器。参数1是SNTP的优先级。第一个API的参数2是SNTP的域名第二个API的参数2是指SNTP服务器的32位IP地址,在这个API之前...
function GetNetTime() sntp.sync({"","","","",""}, function(sec, usec, server, info) print('sync', sec, usec, server) end, function() print("get time error") end) r...
(4)TCP协议是一个可靠的传输协议,它可以保证传输的一个正确性,保证我们的不丢包不重复,而且数据是按顺序到达的,保证不丢包(握手需要三次,挥手却要四次); (5)典型的 TCP/IP之上的协议有 FTP、MSMQ、TCP、Telnet、SMTP、SNTP,HTTP,HTTPS、Named 、Pipes 等; (6)传输速度慢(原因之一:握手需要三次,挥手却要四...
ESP8266_16天气预报之JSON数据的生成与解析 ESP8266_17简单网络时间协议-SNTP ESP8266_18 MQTT协议接入ONENET平台
#include "esp_sntp.h" The function app_main starts the network connection, NTP synchronization, and, finally, the MQTT client in line 4. 1 | void app_main(void){ .. 2 | ESP_ERROR_CHECK(network_connect()); 3 | ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sntp()); ...
亿佰特蓝牙WiFi串口模块BLE5.2低功耗支持AT指令SNTP网络MQTT 【自带PCB天线】E103-W14图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
(s, FRAMESIZE_QVGA); } // 初始化NTP服务器 sntp_set_time_sync_notification_cb(timeAvailable); // 配置时间获取回调 configTzTime(g_time_zone, g_ntp_server1, g_ntp_server2); } void loop() { printLocalTime();// 获取时间 checkMqttStatus(); sendImgPieces(); delay(10000); // 10s ...
Paho MQTT 是 Eclipse 实现的基于 MQTT 协议的客户端,本软件包是在 Eclipse paho-mqtt 源码包的基础上设计的一套 MQTT 客户端程序。 该组件支持以下功能: MQTT Connect MQTT Subscribe MQTT Publish 可连接阿里云物联网平台 版权信息 说明 Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 ...
the SNTP gets the time, the MQTT client gets an IP addess from AWS, then attempts to connect and fails which causes and exception. The exception is either a 28 or a 9 depending on the configuration but is always associated with the same line of code ( br_ssl_hs_client_run at src/ss...
[MQTT] Connecting as user X please start sntp first ! State: sending Client Hello (1) Error: connection lost When using AsyncMqttClient, SSL works but only a few packets. It disconnects and then reconnects in a loop every x packets. I tested with Arduino core 2.4.2 and 2.5.0 (axTL...