部署Home Assistant和MQTT服务器; 将原有监测设备进行修改并通过MQTT接入Home Assistant。 其中第一步需要将Home Assistant和组件EMQX安装至系统中,且由于docker技术的便捷易用,上述的框架和组件均在基于docker技术下的linux系统下安装配置。此处不再赘述,按照网上其它流程走即可。下面主要提一下Home Assistant的安装参数。
树莓派 4B Raspberry pi实验板传感器套件 京东 ¥1689.00 去购买 树莓派 4B Raspberry pi实验板传感器套件 京东 ¥1689.00 去购买 笔者的树莓派4目前主要运行着NextCloud私人网盘,Home Assitant智能家居系统,Codesys 软PLC运行时和OpenPLC 软PLC运行时。为了能监控系统实时的状态,我们可以把系统的状态数据通过MQTT协议...
WIFI_TX);// RX, TXboollightOn=false;voidsetup(){mySerial.begin(9600);mySerial.println("Hello, world?");pinMode(Fire_DI,INPUT);pinMode(Shock_DI,INPUT);pinMode(TempOnly_DI,INPUT);pinMode(Human1_DI,INPUT);pinMode(HCSR04_TRIG_PIN,OUTPUT);pinMode(HC...
如果对于 MQTT 协议有一点了解的话,应该知道设备既可以推送消息给 MQTT 代理,也可以从 MQTT 代理那里订阅消息,而在之前的教程中,因为我们连接的设备都是传感器,仅需要将数据发送给 MQTT 代理即可,这时 HomeAssistant 相当于运行着一个 MQTT 订阅服务。既然我们有了 Arduino ,通过 Arduino 我们可以读取很多设备,也可以...
使用Arduino 通过 MQTT 协议连接 HomeAssistant -- Arduino端 1. 树莓派端 树莓派端仅仅需要添加相应的配置即可,如果是灯就添加在 light 标签中,如果是风扇就添加在 fan 标签中,这里是一个小的激光灯和一个散热风扇。配置如下: light: - platform: mqtt ...
#define mqtt_server "Raspberry_IpAddress" #这里建议将 树莓派设置为固定IP地址 #define mqtt_user "pi" #使用你的 MQTT 用户名 #define mqtt_password "password" //MQTT 密码 #define mqtt_topic "home-assistant/arduino/arduino1" String strRecv = ""; ...
Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions about setting up MQTT on your smart home server. If you found this guide helpful, we highly recommend checking out our other Home Assistant tutorials. Updates Straight To Your Inbox Receive our Raspberry Pi projects, Home Assistant tut...
home-assistant/core Star76.4k 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. pythonhome-automationmqttraspberry-piiotinternet-of-thingsasynciohacktoberfest UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 Python curl/curl Sponsor Star36.8k Code ...
The MQTT setup can run on your Home Assistant (HA) system or any device separate from your HA server, e.g. Raspberry Pi located close to where you park your car Prerequisite: Have an MQTT broker installed (in Home Assistant or other of your choice). If Home Assistant is already using ...
This is a complete guide to using MQTT with Raspberry Pi Pico W with MicroPython. Set up an MQTT broker and how to publish and subscribe to MQTT messages with the Raspberry Pi Pico.