The great benefit of this approach is to allow all modern browsers, including those running on smartphones, to send and receive MQTT messages. This has the effect ofstretching outthe protocol to the web, making it more and more attractive for M2H (machine to human) scenarios too. However, ...
MQTTis a widely used ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) publish-subscribe-based messaging protocol. MQTT has many implementations such as Mosquitto or HiveMQ. For a good overview, see Wikipedia’scomparison of MQTT brokers. MQTT is mainly used in Internet of Things scenarios (like connected cars...
I can connect perfectly to the broker through “MQTT Explorer”, indicating the same parameters [host, port, username, password, protocol=”ws://”, and Server certificate (CA)] and checking the options “Validate certificate”=true and “Encryption (tls)” = true. I live the piece of the...
By its nature, MQTT is a plain protocol that is all the information exchanged are in plain-text format. In other words, everyone could access to this message and read the payload. This could not be a problem if MQTT client and MQTT broker exchange not sensible information. Anyway, they ar...