下面这个connected消息,和上面的基本一样,下面这个是未授权用户(Not authorized to connect)对应的第二次connected报文。起初,按照我的理解,这里应该是disconnected报文,但是给MQTT官方的github上项目提的issue显示,只有正常连接上线的设备,才会给他下发disconnected消息。否则只有connected消息,通过connack的内容进行细化区分。...
); Serial.println("Possible causes: Certificate verification failed or Client was not authorized to connect"); delay(60000); } } client.subscribe("tylink/6ce60817a05789ce33oxpz/thing/property/set",testBrokerPortQoS); Serial.println("---"); delay(1000); } void MQTTcallback(char *topic,...
I have successfully connected with an MQTT client (MQTTfx) to an IoT Hub with no issues. However when I try to do the same with my device (HL7800 from Sierra Wireless) I get a connect error 5. What could be the problem here? I am using MQTT 3.1.1 on both occasions and ...
配置工作为,我可以从终端以及从MQTTBox和MQTT.fx成功地将与莫基托客户端连接起来。但是,当试图连接Python和Paho-MQTT时,出现以下错误 import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # SETTINGS & CONSTANTS (...) TLS_CA = "./tls/mqtt.crt" # MQTT CALLBACKS (...) # INIT & CONNECT CLIENT client 浏览2提问于2018...
首先,我们先来看下服务端的功能实现,主要类文件为MyMqttServer.cs,在服务端,当用户链接之后,有个用户信息验证的过程,该过程可以用,也可以不用,在连接验证器里面有个名称为MqttConnectReasonCode的状态信息,MqttConnectReasonCode的状态说明如下: public enum MqttConnectReasonCode { Success = 0, // 成功 Unspecifie...
我在Windows7平台上安装了xampp-v9,android打开了sql apache,安装了mqtt broker,确保mqtt服务已经打开,使用mqtt php管理服务器,运行时显示如下 Tokudu安卓推送演示服务器状态: connect(SAM_MQTT,array(SAM_HOST => '',SAM_PORT => 1883));if ($result) { $conn->disconnect();print_r("Online");...
}mqtt_al_string_t; //used to represent any type string (maybe not ascii) 在配置结构体完成之后,调用配置函数进行配置并连接,API如下: /** *@brief: you could use this function to connect to the mqtt server * *@param[in] conparam the parameter we will use in connect, refer to the data...
两个参数中,handle参数是之前使用mqtt_al_connect时返回的指针,直接传入即可,pubpara参数需要重点讲述。 mqtt_al_pubpara_t的定义如下: /** @brief defines for the mqtt publish */ typedef struct { mqtt_al_string_t topic; ///< selected publish topic mqtt_al_string_t msg; ///< message to be...
}mqtt_al_string_t; //used to represent any type string (maybe not ascii) 复制代码 在配置结构体完成之后,调用配置函数进行配置并连接,API如下: /** *@brief: you could use this function to connect to the mqtt server * *@param[in] conparam the parameter we will use in connect, refer to...
*@param[in] subpara refer to the data mqtt_al_subpara_t * *@return0 success -1 failed * */intmqtt_al_subscribe(void*handle, mqtt_al_subpara_t *subpara); AI代码助手复制代码 两个参数中,handle参数是之前使用mqtt_al_connect时返回的指针,直接传入即可,subpara参数需要重点讲述。