针对你提出的“mqtt client is not connected”的问题,这里有几个可能的解决方案和检查点,帮助你排查和解决问题: 检查MQTT客户端的配置信息是否正确: 确保你使用的MQTT客户端库与MQTT服务器的版本兼容。 检查客户端的端口号、主机地址等配置是否正确。 确认MQTT服务器是否运行正常,网络连接是否畅通: 尝试使用命令行...
"MQTT 多个实例时候 clientId 一定要加随机数么?我两个实例后,mqtt 就断开链接了,某个实例的链接 就发不了消息了,报错:Client is not connected, 客户端语言:java " 参考答案: 保证clientID唯一,不然会冲突导致互踢哈,随机数也可能重复,目前就是加了随机数,就算不加保证唯一,但是你重连的时候,他好像反应有延...
未連接 當用戶端未連接時,佇列管理程式可以繼續代表它接收發佈。 當用戶端重新連接時,會將它們轉遞至用戶端。 如果用戶端非預期地中斷連線,則用戶端可以建立佇列管理程式代表用戶端發佈的最後留言。 如果您想要在用戶端非預期地中斷連線時收到通知,則可以登錄最後留言發佈; 請參閱最後留言發佈。 如果遙測 (MQXR) ...
When a client is not connected the queue manager can continue to receive publications on its behalf. They are forwarded to the client when it reconnects. A client can create a Last will and testament, which the queue manager publishes on behalf of the client, if the client disconnects ...
2023-10-06 16:19:58.057959711 [2023-10-06 16:19:58] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to stats: client is not connected I have verified that I can indeed connect from Frigate container to Mosquitto and publish messages there like this: ...
publicvoidreconnect(){try{client.connect();}catch(MqttExceptionme){me.printStackTrace();}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.5 检查连接状态 最后,我们需要检查连接状态,以确保客户端已成功连接到 MQTT 服务器。以下是检查连接状态的代码示例: publicvoidcheckConnection(){try{if(client.isConnected()){System...
Hi All, I don't yet have a deterministic way of reproducing this behavior, sorry for that, but it has happened to me several times that MqttClient.PublishAsync(...) throws an MQTTnet.Exceptions.MqttCommunicationException exception with m...
3657 org.eclipse.paho.mqttv5.common.MqttException: Client is not connected 所有设备都是报这个喔。webhook地址是正确的,一直在用,另外会告警high_system_memory_usage,会不会是这个原因呢? 就是所有客户端频繁断开。blankalupo 2023 年3 月 27 日 02:58 5 high_system_memory_usage 只是内存使用量的一个...
connectTimeout: config.mqtt.connectTimeout,//超时时间// port: 8083,clientId: util.random(32),//随机生成IDusername: config.mqtt.userName,//用户名password: config.mqtt.password,//密码}varschoolId = app.userinfo.baseinfo.SchoolId;vartopicName ="realdata/alarmdata/#";varclient = mqtt.connect...
When a client is not connected the queue manager can continue to receive publications on its behalf. They are forwarded to the client when it reconnects. A client can create a Last will and testament, which the queue manager publishes on behalf of the client, if the client disconnects ...