Nothing in this Agreement gives the User a right to use any trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features of MetaQuotes Ltd. 3.15. In using the website or MQL5 Services, You are not granted any intellectual property rights or...
//--- 2. example of buying at the specified symbolif(!trade.Buy(0.1,"GBPUSD")) {//--- failure messagePrint("Buy() method failed. Return code=",trade.ResultRetcode(),". Code description: ",trade.ResultRetcodeDescription()); }else{Print("Buy() method executed successfully. Return code...
MQL5跨平台的EA交易信号(电子书版).pdf,跨平台的EA交易: 信号 Enrico Lambino | 20 六月, 2017 目录 简介 目标 交易信号 信号类型 与 CExpertSignal 作比较 阶段 OnInit 和 OnDeinit OnTick 实现 CSignal 类 CSignals 类 指标的实例 局限 例子 例子 #1: 订单管理器示例 例子
Dealers Trade v 7.91 ZeroLag MACD.mq5 Add files via upload Feb 13, 2022 Dynamic averaging.mq5 Add files via upload Feb 13, 2022 EA_2022.mq5 Create EA_2022.mq5 Jan 30, 2022 EA_PUB_FibonacciPotentialEntries.mq5 Add files via upload ...
TRADE ORDER_CANCEL Order cancel Python 3 API class example: import zmq class MTraderAPI: def __init__(self, host=None): self.HOST = host or 'localhost' self.SYS_PORT = 15555 # REP/REQ port self.DATA_PORT = 15556 # PUSH/PULL port self.LIVE_PORT = 15557 # PUSH/PULL port self.EV...
For example, this interface may be theProcessing() function. Simply put, eachCModelclass will have itsProcessing()function. This function will be called every tick or every minute, or upon the occurrence of a new event ofTradetype.
also plan on writing a ea which has trailing psar buy stop or sell stop orders ... trailing psar stop orders are important to me... the ea below is just a mq5 test code example... markets are closed now, so if you put it on a chart you must then change to another period....
how to know which of the trade/stock has the highest volume/most gain Alec James Thomas Trading Futures - Your Why?(5) Hello all, This topic is extended to those who utilise algos or trade manually. I am looking to gain an insight from traders who have maybe migrated from CFDs to tr...
struct MqlTradeRequest { ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS action;// 操作类型 ulong magic;// EA交易的ID(幻数) ulong order;// 订单号 string symbol;// 交易工具 double volume;// 请求的交易手数 double price;// 价格 double stoplimit;// 订单的StopLimit水平 ...
MQL5参考标准程序库交易类CTradeBuy Buy 按照指定参数开多头仓位。 boolBuy( doublevolume,// 开仓成交量 const stringsymbol=NULL,// 品名 doubleprice=0.0,// 价格 doublesl=0.0,// 止损位 doubletp=0.0,// 止盈价 const stringcomment=""// 注释 ...