時間軸: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1 取引対象: XAUUSD Aurora AIは、金融市場のトレーダー向けに特別に設計された効率的なEA(取引自動化プログラム)です。そのコア機能は、市場の急激な変動を捉え、迅速にインテリジェントな取引判断を行うことにあります。重要な経済データの発表時や...
我们将在M5上使用下面的代码搜索抛物线弧形: if(CopyRates(addonName, PERIOD_M5, 0, 6, rates)==6){ if( rates[0].low>rates[1].low && rates[1].low>rates[2].low && rates[2].low<=rates[3].low && rates[3].low<=rates[4].low && rates[4].low<=rates[5].low ){ if(!skip_...
case 0: return(PERIOD_CURRENT); case 1: return(PERIOD_M1); case 5: return(PERIOD_M5); case 15: return(PERIOD_M15); case 30: return(PERIOD_M30); case 60: return(PERIOD_H1); case 240: return(PERIOD_H4); case 1440: return(PERIOD_D1); case 10080: return(PERIOD_W1); case 43200:...
I used indicator with other priod not current period,but no data received,why and how? void OnInit () { ... Ext1Handle= iCustom ( NULL , PERIOD_CURRENT , "xxxx" ,SlowEMA1); Ext2Handle= iCustom ( NULL , PERIOD_M5 1 4 okwh...
M5 的历史数据中柱的编号极短,更遑论 M1; 必须编写特殊函数以使用历史数据,例如考虑到假日而返回一天、检查周五的市场收盘时间、检查 CFD 市场的开盘和收盘时间等; 改变时间表时对指标进行了重复计算,从而导致终端延迟。 因此,当 MetaTrader5 和 MQL5 的测试版开始测试时,我决定将其转换到 MQL5。
Simple Ichimoku System. Some members remember Ichimoku informational template for Asctrend M5 elite section system thread: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174756 and new set of this system from this post. It is so called Ichimoku informational template to check market condition on H4/D1 timeframe...
However, once such a model will be described, it is necessary to determine the methods of themoving averages, with theiraveraging period, the period of the data window, and the instrument, on which this model will be trading. In general, this abstract model will contain parameters that will...
After that start your MetaTrader, Attach this indicator to chart and give check the"Allow DLL imports". Then set the period you want for example you want GBPUSD,M45 chart, attach this indicator to GBPUSD,M5 chart and set the the PeriodMultiplier to 9(because 5 X 9 = 45). ...