ObjectCreate(0, "MyLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], Price);SetColor("MyLine", Red);2.2. 修改指示线 ObjectSetInteger()和ObjectSetDouble()等函数允许您修改指示线的属性。例如,更改线的颜色和宽度:mql5 Copy code ObjectSetInteger(0, "MyLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);ObjectSetInteger(0, "MyLin...
ObjectCreate(0, "MyLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], Price); SetColor("MyLine", Red); 2.2. 修改指示线 ObjectSetInteger()和ObjectSetDouble()等函数允许您修改指示线的属性。例如,更改线的颜色和宽度: mql5 Copy code ObjectSetInteger(0, "MyLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue); ObjectSetInteger(0, "My...
ObjectCreate(0, "MyLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], Price); SetColor("MyLine", Red); 2.2. 修改指示线 ObjectSetInteger()和ObjectSetDouble()等函数允许您修改指示线的属性。例如,更改线的颜色和宽度: mql5 Copy code ObjectSetInteger(0, "MyLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue); ObjectSetInteger(0, "My...
string hline_name = "telihai_hline"; ObjectCreate(0, hline_name, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 1.55); } 则初始化函数结束后,“hline_name”就被释放了,删掉了一样,“OnCalculate()”中的“ObjectSetDouble(0, hline_name, OBJPROP_PRICE,... ”是无法知道“hline_name”是什么意思的。 横线物件...
(0,string name,double value,int line_id);ObjectGetValueByShift()ObjectGetValueByTime(0,string name,datetime time, int line_id);ObjectMove()ObjectMove(0, string name, int point, datetime time1, double price1)ObjectName()ObjectName(0,int pos,int nwin=-1,int type=-1);ObjectsDeleteAll(...
ObjectSetDouble(0, "telihai_hline", OBJPROP_PRICE, close[rates_total-1] + 0.002); } 价格是双精度类型的,“OBJPROP_PRICE”就是价格坐标属性,类型得是双精度,所以这里要用“ObjectSetDouble()”而非“ObjectSetInteger()”。“close[rates_total-1]”可以理解为rates_total-1号柱的收盘价,MT5默认是从...
class C_OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE:public CIGO { public: virtual // 方法: 创建对象 void Create(string name); virtual // 方法: 重绘对象 void Redraw(); }; //+---+ //| 方法: 创建对象 | //+---+ void C_OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE::Create(string name) { m_...
In mql4 we can add some text to a HLine with ObjectSetText command. But in MQL5 I can't find any way to do this. Anybody Knows any solution to add a text above a Horizontal line pawel000 VPS help disconnect broker server(1)
In mql4 we can add some text to a HLine with ObjectSetText command. But in MQL5 I can't find any way to do this. Anybody Knows any solution to add a text above a Horizontal line trader_8181 I changed my iPhone and got a new MetaQuotes ID, and now I can't log into my account...
ObjectGetString(0,name,OBJPROP_LEVELTEXT,int level); ObjectGetShiftByValue() ObjectGetTimeByValue(0,string name,double value,int line_id); ObjectGetValueByShift() ObjectGetValueByTime(0,string name,datetime time, int line_id); ObjectMove() ...