在MQL5中,挂单交易(Pending Orders)是一种在特定价格水平或特定条件下自动执行交易的方式。这种机制允许交易者在市场价格达到预设条件之前,提前设定好交易指令,以便在符合条件时自动入场或出场。以下是对MQL5中挂单交易概念的详细解释,以及常用挂单交易函数的列举和用法示例。 1. MQL5中的挂单交易概念 在MQL5中,挂单交易...
// Select total orders in history and get total pending orders // (as shown within the COrderInfo class section). // Use the CSymbolInfo class object to get the current ASK/BID price int Stoploss = 400; int Takeprofit = 550; for(int j=0; j<OrdersTotal(); j++) { ulong o_tick...
OrderCalcMargin(trade_operation,symbol,1.0,price,margin) || margin<0.0) { Print("CAccountInfo::MaxLotCheck 保证金计算失败"); return(0.0); } //--- if(margin==0.0) // for pending orders return(SymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX)); //--- 计算最大交易量 double volume=...
// 平仓指定持仓boolinvokeClosePositionSendAction(MqlTradeResult&resultReference,ulongticketPosition){if(!PositionSelectByTicket(ticketPosition)){Print("持仓订单:"+(string)ticketPosition+" 不存在!");returnfalse;}stringsymbol=PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);doublelots=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);int...
at least 1 position if (Balance!=Equity) CancelOrder(); } void CancelOrder() { // check all orders for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) // count all currency pair positions { // get the ticket number ulong OrderTicket = OrderGetTicket(i); // Delete the pending orders trade...
All pending orders are set to Good till cancel by default. If you want to set an expiration date, pass the date in timestamp format to expiration param. rep = api.construct_and_send(action="TRADE", actionType="ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT", symbol="EURUSD", "volume"=0.1, "price"=1.2, "...
which would consider all of the orders - both, pending, and those initiated by a deal or deleted. Extensive information on orders is stored on the trading server. Knowing the ticket of the order, we can get almost any information on an order, ranging from the time of its opening and to...
b. the Buystop_steplower is the value in which aPENDING orderis triggered at your stopupper value. c. The trend line you draw is not the actual entry point, unless you change the "step" values to 0. d. IF buy order opens then closes due to sl or tp, and if Pr...
(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.data_socket.recv_json()exceptzmq.ZMQError:raisezmq.NotDone('Data socket timeout ERROR')returnmsgdef_indicator_pull_reply(self):"""Get reply from server via Data socket with timeout"""try:msg=self.indicator_...