first=FATLPeriod-1+begin;// 所有柱形的开始计算位置//--- 在“begin”柱的基础上增加数据开始位,因为// 此计算是基于另外一个指标的值if(begin>0)PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN,begin+FATLPeriod); }elsefirst=prev_calculated-1;// 新柱形计算的开始位置 在包含这些额外的代码后,指标的大小和复杂...
Draw horizontal line 在品种的图表上绘制一条水平线。 Draw vertical line 在品种的图表上绘制一条垂直线。 Remove all lines 从图表上删除所有水平线和垂直线。 图表分析: 获取有关市场深度及其具体报价的信息。 模块 说明 Quote info 获取DOM(市场深度)指定报价的信息 Spread 获取指定品种的 DOM 的点差值(即...
Hi, I'm trying to get a draw line to change colours - green when the line has a positive slope, red when the line slope is negative. What I'm trying to achieve is essentially a multi coloured line drawn over the candles to indicate the change in a value over time. I've tried bot...
Just draw Trend Up or Trend Down before the Expert Advisor "TrendMeLeaveMe" start. Set properties, run expert and go to sleep or work. This expert does not work automatically. You must draw trend up, trend down or horizontal trend. Name it buystop or sellstop , set Bu...
Hi, I'm trying to get a draw line to change colours - green when the line has a positive slope, red when the line slope is negative. What I'm trying to achieve is essentially a multi coloured line drawn over the candles to indicate the change in a value over time. I've tried bot...
Here is a simple example. We are going to draw a horizontal line on the chart and let the robot place it at the maximum price of all bars reflected on the chart and draw two other lines. The lower line will be placed at the minimum price and the third line will be between the firs...
(new_color,this.m_alpha)); } //--- Draw a table grid horizontal line this.m_canvas.Line(x1,row_y,x2,row_y,::ColorToARGB(clr,this.m_alpha)); //--- Create a new table row object CTableRow *row_obj=new CTableRow(i); if(row_obj==NULL) { ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to...
在含有 "Horizontal line" 对象类的GStdHLineObj.mqh文件里,从返回对象支持该整数型属性的标志的方法中删除 “Pivot point time” 属性,因为该对象在构造时仅用到价格: //+---+//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed |//| integer property, otherwise return 'false' |//+---+boolCGStd...
加入ENUM_DRAWTYPE和ENUM_START_POINT枚举来创建用于外部参数的下拉列表,以便选择价格数据绘制类型,和价格偏离模式的起始点数: //--- Drawing type of the price dataenumENUM_DRAWTYPE { LINE =0,// LineBARS =1,// BarsCANDLES=2// Candlesticks};//--- Mode of the price divergence starting pointenumEN...
// Horizontal lineFIGURE_TYPE_LINE_HORIZONTAL_THICK,// Horizontal segment of a freehand line having a specified width using antialiasing algorithmFIGURE_TYPE_LINE,// Arbitrary lineFIGURE_TYPE_LINE_AA,// Line with antialiasingFIGURE_TYPE_LINE_WU,// Line with WU smoothingFIGURE_TYPE_LINE_THICK,...