TheMQCreateQueuefunction creates a public or private queue based on the queue properties provided. Copy HRESULT APIENTRY MQCreateQueue( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, MQQUEUEPROPS * pQueueProps, LPWSTR lpwcsFormatName, LPDWORD lpdwFormatNameLength ); ...
待创建 Queue 所属的云消息队列 RabbitMQ 版实例 ID。 amqp-cn-v0h1kb9nu*** VirtualHost string 是 待创建 Queue 所属的 Vhost 名称。只能包含字⺟、数字、短划线(-)、下划线(_)、半角句号(.)、井号(#)、正斜线(/)、at 符号(@),⻓度限制 1~255 字符。 test QueueName string 是 待创建的 Que...
In addition, all optional queue properties specified by the MQQUEUEPROPS structure (default values are used for all properties that are not specified) are attached to the queue.MQCreateQueue returns a format name that can be used to open the queue....
Before calling MQCreateQueue, specify the path name of the queue (PROPID_Q_PATHNAME).The PROPID_Q_PATHNAMEproperty tells MSMQ the following:Where to store the queue's messages Whether the queue is public or private The name of the queue...
The Create MQ Queue (CRTMQMQ) command creates a queue definition with the specified attributes. All attributes that are not specified are set to the default value for the type of queue that is created. Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes QNAME Queue name Character value Required, Key...
The Create MQ Queue (CRTMQMQ) command creates a queue definition with the specified attributes. All attributes that are not specified are set to the default value for the type of queue that is created. Parameters Table 1. Command parameters KeywordDescriptionChoices Notes QNAME Queue name Char...
server.createQueue(durableQueue, RoutingType.ANYCAST, durableQueue, null, true, false, -1, false, true); ActiveMQConnectionFactory openCF = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(); Queue queue = new ActiveMQQueue("exampleQueue"); openConn = openCF.createConnection(); openConn.start(); Session open...
This article provides sample steps on how to use Anypoint MQ API to create a queue and set default delivery delay as well as steps to publish message and set delivery delay on message. Steps Step 1. Get Access Token (or Federated Organizations)Step 2. Get Organizat...
Java createQueue方法属于org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.jms.ActiveMQJMSClient类。使用说明:创建 JMS 队列的客户端表示。此方法已弃用。使用 org.apache...