在Arduino IDE中点击「项目」—「加载库」—「管理库」,分别查找选择最新版本进行安装。 arduino烧录代码: /** MQ135 + OLED显示*/#include<Wire.h>#include<Adafruit_GFX.h>#include<Adafruit_SSD1306.h>#include<Arduino.h>#defineSensor_AO A0#defineSensor_DO 2#defineOLED_RESET 4Adafruit_SSD1306 display...
Serial.begin(9600);// sets the serial port to 9600}voidloop(){floatppm = gasSensor.getPPM(); Serial.println(ppm); delay(1000); } 参考文献 1.http://www.hackerscapes.com/2014/11/using-an-air-quality-sensor/ 2.https://hackaday.io/project/3475-sniffing-trinket/log/12363-mq135-arduin...
初始化设置 开始使用它之前,你需要将它通电,预热12-24个小时,之后,在20°C/35%空气温度的环境中执行下列程序,读取RZERO的值。 #include"MQ135.h"constintANALOGPIN=0;MQ135 gasSensor=MQ135(ANALOGPIN);voidsetup(){Serial.begin(9600);// sets the serial port to 9600}voidloop(){floatrzero=gasSensor....
infrared temperature sensor arduino mq4 gas sensor arduino voltage sensor s135 pro drone bm135abs Ranking Keywords light sensor arduino arduino proximity sensor arduino ir sensor mq135 sensor arduino sensors sound sensor arduino arduino motion sensor touch sensor with arduino arduino hall sensor air pollu...
1.http://www.hackerscapes.com/2014/11/using-an-air-quality-sensor/ 2.https://hackaday.io/project/3475-sniffing-trinket/log/12363-mq135-arduino-library 小贴士 实验表明,MQ-135 可以检测上述提及的气体,但它并不能区别这些气体。如果你想检测某种具体的气体在空气中的含量,那你可能需要寻找其他更好的...
Specifications: Material: Porcelain Customization: Yes Compatibility: Arduino M2 Sensitivity: Hazardous Gas Detection Performance: High-Precision Air Quality Monitoring Design: Compact and User-Friendly Features: |Laser Sensor Arduino|Metal Oxide Gas Sensor| **Advanced Sensing Technology** The New MQ135 ...
Product sellpoints easy to install and use: Includes accessories, portable home appliance and more in line with plug and play cable. Easy to install. high sensitivity: The sensor has high sensitivity, which can better display and avoid electromagnetic interference. ...
Updated and improved Arduino library for the MQ135 gas/air quality sensor. This library is also available in the Arduino IDE, see Arduino Library List. Datasheet Can be found here. Application This type of sensor is used in air quality control equipments for buildings/offices and is suitable ...
MQ-135模块 空气质量 有害气体检测传感器报警模块 兼容arduinooo 富凯特品牌 深圳市富凯特科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥7.36/个 广东深圳 MQ-135空气质量检测传感器模块MQ135气体感应模块 空气检测模块 测量仪器 特加特品牌 深圳市特加特科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥18.00/件 湖南 MQ-135 空气质量传感器 MQ135传...
MQ-8 Hydrogen Sensor, MQ-9 CO Combustible Gas Sensor, MQ-135 Air Quality Detection Sensor Compatibility: Arduino Starter DIY Kit Performance: High Sensitivity and Accuracy Features: **Versatile Gas Detection** The MQ-2 MQ-3 MQ-4 MQ-5 MQ-6 MQ-7 MQ-8 MQ-9 MQ-135 Detection Smoke Methane...