.build();StringoneData="hello rabbitMq";//这是以前的,是没有传入持久化的//channel.basicPublish("","queueXiaoMi",null,oneData.getBytes());//这是现在的,传入持久化的//其实最终发送的还是hello rabbitMq这句话,只不过在它的基础上增加了一些附带 //的信息。比如清单信息channel.basicPublish("","queue...
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假设要将某个文件夹中的数码照片做成一个PDF相片图册,只需点击Images一项,然后再点击Start按钮,即可进入添加图像创建PDF文档窗口(Create a New PDF Document From Image),这时可通过Import按钮从外部设备(如相机、手机等)添加照片,或通过Add按钮追加本地照片文件或文件夹,再通过Up、Down...
1 Kukush Str, building M8 Sofia 1309, Bulgaria www.m2mservices.com About this document This document was developed and wholly owned by M2M Services. It is intended to assist trained personnel with the installation of MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE. M2M Services reserves the right to modify and revise ...
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