To exchange data using POSIX message queue , I am attempting to write a client and server. Despite referencing online examples and the course documents, I am currently stuck. When attempting to run my code, I receive an error message stating "Too many open files". Client: int main( int a...
I have made a test process which opened message queues, it coudn't open more than 32 queues. the error code is below mq_open() : strerror(24)=Too many open files Bogus restrict in the code; I think that you can preload your app ...
二、mq_open功能:打开(如果已存在)或创建一个消息队列。...; mqdes:消息队列描述符,由 mq_open 返回。...= mq_open(QUEUE_NAME, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666, nullptr); if (mq == -1) { perror("m...
even after you've destroyed the ZMQ socket object and it's been garbage collected. This has to do with the OS, not ZeroMQ or even Java, and it's directly connected to ulimit -n and the "Too many open files" exception.
Open File Limit Test The open file limit is the maximum number of files or network connections a process can open in the current active session. When an insufficient open file limit is specified for HiveMQ, a Too many open files error (or similar) can occur and prevent HiveMQ from functio...
这个是用来控制linux上的最大文件链接数的,默认值可能是1024,一般肯定是不够的,因为你在大量频繁的读写磁盘文件的时候,或者是进行网络通信的时候,都会跟这个参数有关系。对于一个中间件系统而言肯定是不能使用默认值的,如果你采用默认值,很可能在线上会出现如下错误:error: too many open files。
3)解决问题:修改源码中日志文件位置,参考《RocketMQ自定义文件路径.docx》 2.tomcat服务器挂掉了 1) 20-Apr-2015 00:39:07.158 SEVERE [http-nio-8002-Acceptor-0]$ Socket accept failed Too many open files at
20-Apr-2015 00:39:07.158 SEVERE [http-nio-8002-Acceptor-0]$ Socket accept failed Too many open files at Method)
不够,很可能出现error:too many open files 修改命令 echo 'ulimit -n 1000000' >> /etc/profile sendMessageThreadPoolNums 默认值16 下面的目录里有dledger rocketmq/distribution/target/apache-rocketmq/conf/dledger RocketMQ内部用来发送消息的线程池的线程数量 根据CPU核数进行分配,比如24核分配为24...
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