Log in as root, or with sufficient authority to run the following commands. You can do this by addingsudobefore the commands, or by changing to the root user in the shell with thesucommand. For more information, seeExploring the differences betweensudoandsucommands inLinux. ...
You can use MQSC commands interactively by using a command window or shell. Before you begin You can set the prompt that is displayed when you run the runmqsc command. See Setting the MQSC command prompt. When you run MQSC commands interactively on UNIX and Linux® platforms, the run...
Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications. - apache/rocketmq
本地队列管理器的作用是接收远程或本地的信息流,并将本地队列中的信息流取出以供应用程序使用。在做这些工作之前需要定义相关的队列管理器,队列和通道等,而这些工作是由WebSphere MQ Script. (MQSC) commands来完整的。在Windows及Linux环境下也可以通过WebSphere MQ Explorer来完成。启动WebSphere MQ...
For Windows users, clickhereto download the 5.2.0 RocketMQ binary release, unpack it to your local disk, such asD:\rocketmq. For macOS and Linux users, execute following commands: #Download release from the Apache mirror$wget https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/rocketmq/5.2.0/rocket...
run commands like the following: set RABBITMQ_BASE=C:\Data\RabbitMQ Run rabbitmq-service.bat install Run rabbitmq-service.bat startThis will restart the node in a way that makes the environment variable and rabbitmq-env-conf.bat changes to be observable to it....
1Commands:2stop [<pid_file>]3stop_app4start_app5wait <pid_file>6reset7force_reset8rotate_logs <suffix>910join_cluster <clusternode> [--ram]11cluster_status12change_cluster_node_type disc |ram13forget_cluster_node [--offline]14rename_cluster_node oldnode1 newnode1 [oldnode2] [newnode...
在redhatLinux中安装mqv7.1试用版(服务器)后,我无法运行任何mq命令,如dspmqver crtmqm。我得到了下面的错误。有人能在这方面给我提个建议吗?AMQ8594: WebSphereMQcommands are no longer available in /usr/bin.In order to runMQcommands you must manage your path configuration as described in the W ...
Commands dealing with declaring/binding/unbinding/deleting exchanges and queues are all done with the above AmqpClient::Channel object. If one of these commands fails to complete a AmqpClient::ChannelException will be thrown, which can be caught and the AmqpClient::Channel object is still useable...
In order to run MQ commands you must manage your path configuration asdescribed in the WebSphere MQ product documentation. In particular review thetopic on "Choosing a primary installation". -bash-4.1$ InfoCenter,Choosing a primary installation:On UNIX and Linux platforms, the first installation ...