* connection: * MQ-2 gas sensor Uno R3 * D0 7 * A0 A0 * GND GND * VCC 5V */ const int ledPin=13;//the led attach to pin13 const int analogPin=A0;//the D0 on the Module attach to pin7 on the Arduino const int digitalPin=7;//the D0 attach to pin7 int Astate=0; bool...
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(sensor_d0, INPUT); pinMode(sensor, INPUT); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("welcome to use"); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: sensorvalue = analogRead(se...
2. 新建sketch,拷贝如下代码替换自动生成的代码并进行保存。 /* MQ-2烟雾传感器的使用 */#include < Arduino.h >#define Sensor_AO A0#define Sensor_DO 2unsignedintsensorValue =0;voidsetup() {pinMode(Sensor_DO,INPUT);Serial.begin(9600); }voidloop() { sensorValue =analogRead(Sensor_AO);Serial....
Program to calculate PPM using MQ sensor: Thecomplete programto calculate PPM using a MQ sensor is given below. Few important lines are explained below. 在继续程序之前,我们需要输入负载电阻 (RL)、斜率 (m)、截距 (b) 和新鲜空气阻力 (Ro) 的值。获取所有这些值的过程已经解释过了,所以现在让我们...
2. 新建sketch,拷贝如下代码替换自动生成的代码并进行保存。 /* MQ-2烟雾传感器的使用 */#include<Arduino.h>#defineSensor_AO A0#defineSensor_DO 2unsignedintsensorValue=0;voidsetup(){pinMode(Sensor_DO,INPUT);Serial.begin(9600);}voidloop(){sensorValue=analogRead(Sensor_AO);Serial.print("Sensor AD...
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Gas detection module MQ-2 MQ-3 MQ-4 MQ-5 MQ-6 MQ-7 MQ-8 MQ-9 MQ-135 each of them 1pcs total 9pcs sensor for arduino kit Shipping list:Features:Using high-quality dual-panel design,with power indicator and TTL signal output instructions. The switching signal having a DO (TTL) outp...
Mq-2 Gas Sensor Module Smoke Methane Butane Detection (Blue) for Arduino DC 5V 150mA Signal Analog Ttl Output Module, Find Details and Price about Sensor Module Gas Sensor Module from Mq-2 Gas Sensor Module Smoke Methane Butane ...
This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to build a custom electromagnetic sensor or laser sensor Arduino setup. **Reliable Performance and Compact Design** The MQ Gas Sensor Carrier Board is not just about versatility; it's also about performance. The board's compact size and light...
Arduino气体传感器-MQ-X Sensor模拟气体传感器 传感器图片 MQ-X传感器说明 MQ-X Sensor是基于QM-NG1探头的气体传感器 QM-NG1是采用目前国际上工艺最成熟,生产规模最大的Sn02材料作为敏感基体制作的广谱性气体传感器。 最大特点是对各种可燃性气体(如氢气、液化石油气、一氧化碳、烷烃类等气体)以及酒精、乙醚、汽油...