AUV:(Action Utility Vehicle) 多用途行动轿车。SUV:全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,中文意思是运动型多用途汽车。主要是指那些设计前卫、造型新颖的四轮驱动越野车。SUV一般前悬架是轿车型的独立悬架,后悬架是非独立悬架,离地间隙较大,在一定程度上既有轿车的舒适性又有越野车的越野性能。由于带有MPV...
autonomous underwater vehicle 自动海底车 sports utility vehicles 的缩写,意思是“运动型多功能车”。CRV特指东风本田Honda生产的小型SUV MUlit-purpose Vehicle“多用途车”=== SUV的含义SUV是Sport Utility Vehicle的缩写形式,这种车型在具有越野车爬山涉水的高通过性的同时,还拥有轿车的舒适性,典...
Comparing SUV, AUV, and MPV In terms of road functionality, sports utility vehicles are superior compared to the other two since SUVs are tailored to run on rough roads. AUVs and MPVs are simply passenger vehicles - they are not designed for off-road routes. In line with this, their fra...