(yes/no) osd-scale-by-window=no ##视频/音频/字幕/截图设置## #读取杜比视界元数据(需要将vo=gpu改为实验性的vo=gpu-next) #vf=format:dolbyvision=yes #色彩管理 #icc-profile-auto=yes #视频同步 #video-sync=display-resample #interpolation=yes #变速播放时的音调修正 audio-pitch-correction=yes #...
target-colorspace-hint=yes target-trc=pq target-prim=bt.2020 vf=format:dolbyvision=yes ...
这是给他的Apple Tv和4k显示器准备的,我只在着色器 缓存 着色器缓存 dolby vision 时延上做了调整,部分设置也没生效需要根据自己要求开启。 蹲家__ MPEG-1 1 我自己以前也用potplayer madvr ngu sharp啥的,说真的性能开销大,画质还没人家好,mpv开源到现在能成功不是没有理由的 OBC100 H.261 10 有...
Windows版下载地址:https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/ 脚本介绍、网盘分享:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv15690307 mpv的默认mpv.conf设置为最大兼容性而定,因而默认软解,这里将之改为硬解,并对一些其他常用选项做出修改。mpv有其一套默认快捷键设置,但不符合个人习惯,也难以记忆。在...
This little add-on I linked to allows it to work in the built-in media player, MPV and PotPlayer under windows 11. You can also install Dolby Vision sound, but it's paid for in the Windows store, so I'm not linking to it, not advertising it, just that you can set up PotPlayer...
Hi. Since last git builds support --vo=gpu-next for Dolby Vision reshaping, which by the way works great, I was wondering if it could be possible to dump that tone-mapped displayed version to a file. With mpv --vo=gpu-next P5_DVtest.mkv ...
1、MPV:https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/64bit/ 下载最新版即可 2、SVP4:https://www.svp-team.com/zh/get/ 题主只折腾过Win平台的,30天免费试用,有开心版,可自行寻找,但很老了,未必适用本教程 3、Anime4K:https://github.com/bloc97/Anime4K/releases ...
player: addoption-info/<name>/expects-file command: add dolby-vision-profile and dolby-vision-level to track-list scripting: add mp.input.select() command: add normalize-path command OSC: implemented user configurable colors ao_wasapi: add--wasapi-exclusive-bufferoption ...