750 marks instead of 800. In the new exam pattern of MPSC Mains, the marks scored in the two language papers will not be included in the merit scoring instead they have been made qualifying in nature. Other than these two, there are 7 compulsory papers which include one essay paper, 4 ...
Paper Pattern MPSC PSI Exam Pattern MPSC Clerk/Typist Exam Pattern There will be two languages papers of 100 marks each and the structure of the papers will of descriptive type. The remaining four papers will have multiple choice questions, 150 marks each. For two incorrect answers, 1 mark wi...
The preliminary exam is the first stage of the MPSC Rajyaseva recruitment process, acting as a screening test. It consists of written exams covering general studies and aptitude. The preliminary exam is divided into Paper I and Paper II, with a combined total of 400 marks. This stage of exa...
In the MPSC mains, there are a total of 6 papers. One of them is of descriptive type in nature, and hence no negative marking in that paper. In the other five papers they are of objective type, and for each wrong question, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total of right answers...
As per the new pattern the scope of General Studies has been expanded. The paper for Marathi language is compulsory for everyone and the marks scored in Marathi & English languages are being counted for deriving the final selection list. In the case of Police Department posts, the candidate ...