MPSC Exams Answer Sheet Format Almost allMPSC examsare of Objective types. This means, you don’t need to write descriptive answers in the answer sheet. But there are one to two sets of papers in the different exams that are descriptive in nature, for e.g. Rajyaseva Mains Paper 1, JMF...
(group a) q3 what is the date of mpsc 2020? the mpsc prelims 2020 took place on 21st march 2021. mpsc mains 2020 that was expected to take place on 2nd, 3rd and 4th august 2021; will now take place on 4th, 5th and 6th december 2021. q4 what are the eligibility conditions for ...
MPSC Exams Answer Sheet Format Almost allMPSC examsare of Objective types. This means, you don’t need to write descriptive answers in the answer sheet. But there are one to two sets of papers in the different exams that are descriptive in nature, for e.g. Rajyaseva Mains Paper 1, JMF...