The SNP's Mhari Black made history when she became the youngest MP to be elected since 1832 at the age of 20 in 2015. But earlier this month she announcedshe will be stepping downat the next election, telling the News Agents podcast that she was "tired" of the "toxic environment" at ...
He used an interview in The Mail on Sunday to insist: "I didn't become an MP to get my snout in the trough. I don't feel we have ripped people off."Mr Conway, who is stepping down at the next general election, said MPs were paid "less than the sous chef at the Commons". He...
Red sneakers were a common prop at Liberal events in the final days of that election, which ended with the Harper Conservatives securing a majority, the NDP forming the official Opposition and Ignatieff stepping down as leader. Holland also lost his seat that year. “You would think...
Red sneakers were a common prop at Liberal events in the final days of that election, which ended with the Harper Conservatives securing a majority, the NDP forming the official Opposition and Ignatieff stepping down as leader. Holland also lost his seat that year....