Consensus statement on enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis IVA in Central and South-Eastern European countries The landscape of Mucopolysaccharidosis in Southern and Eastern European countries: a survey from 19 specialistic centers ArticleOpen access24 March 2022 Background Mucopolysaccha...
METAR ULLI 021900Z 25009MPS 0450 R28L/1100N R28R/1500U +SHSN BLSN VV003 M00/M01 Q0989 R28L/591034 R28R/591599 NOSIG RMK QBB110 OBST OBSC=,“R28L/591034 ”代表跑道状况的信息,“591034”中的“10”表示()。 A. 无跑道污染物报告 B. 跑道被污染的范围100% C. 跑道污染物的深度10mm...