Multi-Hop Wireless Networking with OSPF: MPR-based Routing Extensions for MANETs Incorporating multi-hop wireless networks in the IP infrastructure is an effort to which a growing community participates. One instance of such activity is...
专利名称 读物阅读发音器(MPR-1022型) 申请号 2007301331040 申请日期 2007-04-23 公布/公告号 CN300761912 公布/公告日期 2008-04-02 发明人 李政放 专利申请人 深圳市天朗时代科技有限公司 专利代理人 郭伟刚 专利代理机构 深圳市顺天达专利商标代理有限公司 专利类型 外观设计 主分类号 14-01 住所 广东省深圳...
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The MPR121 operates as a slave that sends and receives data through an I 2C two-wire interface. The interface uses a Serial Data Line (SDA) and a Serial Clock Line (SCL) to achieve bidirectional communication between master(s) and slave(s). A master (typically a microcontroller) ...
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