Candidates preparing for the MPPSC Exam Recruitment can also download our Testbook app. It is an application that provides comprehensive notes, PDFs, and mock tests for better preparation for all government exams. Trusted by millions like you to clear the exam. Why look for another option and ...
MPPSC Prelims 2020 Result:-Download PDF Here On December 31, 2021, the commission has released the results of the State Service Main Examination 2019. The candidates who have cleared the Main exam will be invited for the interview, against the vacant posts. The candidates selected in the main...
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2. Which one of the following sentence is not correct regarding the climate of Madhya Pradesh ? (A) Climate of Madhya Pradesh is influenced by the tropic of cancer that in middle of the state. (B) Gwalior is an example of sub-tropical climate with hot summer. (C) Madhya Pradesh receiv...
100. In the definition of armed forces under the. Protection of Human. Rights Act, which of the following is not included? (A) Navy (B) Armed Forces of the State (C) Milita (D) Air Force Click Here To Download PDF Printed Study Material for MPPSC <<Go Back To Main Page...
To getMPPSC Previous Year Question Papers, aspirants can check the linked article where all old question papers PDF from 2015-2019 are provided. IAS General Studies Notes Links Happiness IndexCauses Of Tsunami IipGreat Depression 1929 Ordnance Factory BoardEndangered Animals In India ...
Admit Card download procedure, admit card release dates for MPPSC SSE 2020 and 2021-22 are given in the article. Candidates can complement their preparation of Govt. Exams from the links given below: Previous Year Government Exam Question Paper PDFs with Solutions ...
MPPSC SSE is conducted in three stages (prelims, mains and the interview). The syllabus, subjects and topics are different for prelims and mains. The subjects to study at each phase are given below MPPSC Prelims Subjects/Topics The Prelims of MPPSC comprises of two papers(General Studies and ...