查询报错 NO_NODES_AVAILABLE 报错关键字:NO_NODES_AVAILABLE 报错信息:ERROR 1105(HY000):MPP_QUERY_FAILED Retry_time=1 message=MPP engine error code:30101,message:QueryError{message=Node for bucket is offline:[],sqlState=... 实例选型和集群规划 规格节点 云原生数据仓库AnalyticDB PostgreSQL版 采用MP...
`retry_times` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '重试次数', `status` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INIT' COMMENT '运行状态: INIT|WAITING|RUNNING|FAILED|SUCCESS|CANCEL', `fail_reason` mediumtext COMMENT '任务失败原因(如果执行失败)', `begin_time` datetime DEFAULT '0000-01-01 00:00:...
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) m.sendError(tikv.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout) return } }) if !req.IsRoot { return } m.establishMPPConns(bo, req, taskMeta) } // NOTE: We do not retry here, because retry is helpless when errors result from TiFlash or Network. If errors occur, the execution...
HINT: likely caused by a function that reads or modifies data in a distributed table 20190523:13:37:17:010532 gprecoverseg:mpp02:gpadmin-[CRITICAL]:-gprecoverseg failed. (Reason='FATAL: DTM initialization: failure during startup recovery, retry failed, check segment status (cdbtm.c:1328) '...
2 = resync failed, retry attempted UPGST Upgrade State (a numeric string): 1 = first upgrade attempt 2 = upgrade failed, retry attempt UPGERR Result message (ERR) of previous upgrade attempt; for example, http_get failed. PRVTMR Sec...
failed to get any configurations from CDA service first time. In firmware release 12.0(3), with retry mechanism, the phone will try CDA again with exponentially back-off timer. User can also optionally reboot the phone to have it retry CDA after...
再同期エラー再試行遅延(Resync Error Retry Delay) IP テレフォニー デバイスがサーバからプロファイルを取得できなかったために再同期操作が失敗した場合、ダウンロードしたファイルが破損していた場合、または内部エラーが発生した場合は...