The MPM-1000U mic will help you put the finishing touch on any project, and the MPM-2000U mic has the added benefit of a larger element diameter for improved recording quality. The upgraded model also comes with a shock mount and a plastic carrying case....
重量 300 g Marantz MPM-1000U 我们认为重量越轻越好,因为更轻的设备其携带舒适性就越高。家用电器的重量较轻也是优势,因为这样就能更轻松地进行运输。对于许多其他产品也是如此。 麦克风数量 低中高 Top 92%48 麦克风283 g - 476 g Loading... 重量:您认为重要吗?
Marantz MPM-1000U MicrophoneElement: Back electret condenserElement diameter: 14 mmFrequency response: 20–17,000 HzSensitivity: -34 dB +/- 2 dB (0 dB = 1 V/Pa at 1 kHz)Output: USBA-D converter: 48 kHz / 16-bit sampling rateOutput...
star_borderstar My sister said it was a little too high in its tonality. Detailed sound with solid build otherwise. And nice carry case! (Btw I got her the MPM-2000U) Was this helpful? Vote Reply bookmark_border more_vertRecent Activity A community member8y Placed an order admosity8y...
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