In the MPlus syntax BLA is in the variables list and in the used variable list. What I am not sure is if I create dummy variables for the different categories where do the dummy variables go – in the variable list and the used variable list or somewhere else? How does Mplus know th...
随后,如果预测变量中有类别变量,需要我们自己用DEFINE语句定义哑变量,格式为哑变量 = 原有变量 == 类别编号,也就是说,当原有变量值为指定类别时(“原有变量 == 类别编号”判断结果为True),这个哑变量赋值为1,否则为0。记得将这里新定义的哑变量也加入前面的USEVARIABLES里面。 接下来是指定分析类型,ANALYSIS语句...
VARIABLE: NAMES ARE id S1 S2 P1 P2 nS1 nP1; USEVARIABLES ARE S1 S2 P1 P2 offset1 offset2; COUNT = S2 P2; DEFINE: offset1=log(nS1); offset2=log(nP1) ANALYSIS: Type = General; Estimator = mlr; MODEL: S2 ONoffset1@1S1; S2 ONoffset1@1P1; P2 ONoffset2@1S1; P2 ONoffset2@1...
IF (Year EQ 2006) THEN Dummy = 1; I get an error that all of my variables have missing data. If I use: USEOBSERVATIONS ARE (Year EQ 2006) OR (Year EQ 2009); DEFINE: Dummy = 0; IF (Year EQ 2006) THEN Dummy = 1; I get an error saying that my dummy variable has no ...
Do you mean that after I create the two dummy variables I define these two new variables as categorical and run the analyses as I would with categorical variables? So, if I would have just 2 categories (for example female-0 and male-1) than I just treat the variable as categorical? Tha...
I want to run an MSEM and when I added Gender (1=Male, 2=Female) as a control variable, I got the error below. I had used the DEFINE option to create a new variable but it has not worked. What is the way around it? *** ERROR One or more variables have a variance of ...
Define: weight=1 ; Can I trust my results? Or am I missing something? Thanks, Lars Tihomir Asparouhov posted on Tuesday, December 05, 2017 - 5:07 pm Yes. dummyvariable123 posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 3:06 am Dear Dr. Muthen, I am testing a multilevel mediation...
between level intercept | y on dummy and between level slope | y on dummy x time. 1. Different tests were taken in each year although equated from year to year: Dear Linda/Bengt I am using a multiple indicator growth model to model varablity of individuals within shools, and schools are...
1. Is it possible to define a variable that designates those clusters with few number of cases in them so that I can run the analysis without them using USEOBSERVATIONS command? 2. Is the estimation method mentioned in Appendix 10 (page 380 of the User's guide) called MUML not included...
DEFINE: inter = X*time; ANALYSIS: TYPE = THREELEVEL; ESTIMATOR IS ML; MODEL: %within% Y; Y ON time; Y ON inter; %between id% Y; Y ON X; %between class% Y; Tihomir Asparouhov posted on Friday, February 23, 2018 - 8:39 am Yes. Hassan posted on Wednesday, July 18...