可能原因:同一条路径用不同参数表示,例如Y ON X(B1); Y ON X(B2);。 解决方法:在定义路径时,确保一条路径只用一个参数表示。 Error 2 错误提示:Categorical variable X1 contains non-integer values. 可能原因:分类变量X1包含非整数值。 解决方法:可以采用SPSS对X1进行频率分析,查看X1这个变量的值是否存在非...
Nominal variable C contains non-integer values." I opened the data file and found the classes were reported on non-integer values [e.g 2.000, 4.000). Note:A typo error in the above post "[y23-y25 *1]"; It should be [y22-y25 *1]; Thanking in advance. Bengt O. Muthen post...
With a good number of classrooms, it would be of interest to do a TYPE=BASIC TOWLEVEL analysis to see what your intraclass correlations are. The EFA may be influenced by high icc's and there are two-level EFA alternatives. Might be a good idea to as a first step do Type = Basic T...
2. It is possible to transform the impact of x variable changes into y probability changes, but the problem is that the probability change is different at different values of the x's since the probability is a non-linear (probit/logit) function of the x's. One can pick key x values ...