因此,SDH向OTN演进是光网络发展的一种必然趋势。介绍了OTN技术现状和MPLS-TP技术特点,指出“OTN+MPLS-TP”技术是光网络下一步发展的方向。关键词:光传送网;SDH;分组网;MPLS—TP中图分类号:TN929.11 文献标识码:A文章编号:1002—5561(2009)12—0026—04OTN+M PLS-TPTechnologyZHANGDe-hai,CHEN Ming-gui(95950...
关键词:光传送网;SDH;分组网;MPLS—TP 中图分类号:TN929.11文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002—5561(2009)12—0026—04 OTN+MPLS-TP Technology ZHANG De-hai,CHENMing-gui Air (95950Force,Lanzhou732750,China) Abstract:In withSDH Summarizedof net— comparison technology,thepaper advantagesopticaltransport network...
关键字:业务适配;传输-交换通道标签;公共互通指示标签;标签转发 英文摘要:Telecommunications services have been trending away from Time-division Multiplexing (TDM)-based transport networks towards IP-based ones. In the future, a new technology that can effectively carry packet services will be urgently nee...
OTN + MPLS-TP Technology%OTN+MPLS-TP技术 来自 万方 喜欢 0 阅读量: 100 作者:张德海,陈明桂 摘要: 通过与SDH技术对比,概述了光传送网(OTN)的优势所在.因此,SDH向OTN演进是光网络发展的一种必然趋势.介绍了OTN技术现状和MPLS-TP技术特点,指出"OTN+MPLS-TP"技术是光网络下一步发展的方向.关键词:...
MPLS-TP The right networking technology MPLS for Operational Telecom made easy Packet networks have led to an explosion of data traffic and have changed the daily life of consumers, households and office workers. Virtually any information is now available at your fingertips. No matter what type ...
MPLS_TP生存性技术分析 《电信网技术》2009年8月第8期网络技术 1引言 分组传送网(PTN)是适应业务IP化趋势的一种新型传送网络,它既能完成对分组业务的高效传送,又继承了传统传送网络的高可靠生存机制、良好的扩展性和丰富的OAM功能等优点。ITU-T和IETF组成的联合工作组(JWT)开发的MPLS-TP技术是实现分组传送的...
Given the attention MPLS-TP has received in the industry, it is worthwhile to discuss how this technology is different from MPLS. So here is a listing of the differences between the two. 1.MANAGEMENT PLANE SETUP : LSPs in MPLS-TP can be setup without the use of control plane purely throu...
Its underlying MPLS-TP technology avoids the complexity of generic telecom solutions developed for service providers. XTran secures reliable operations in harsh environments while its management system (TXCare) supports an intuitive and simple handling....
Steering protection scheme, the scheme does not need the support of a topology discovery protocol and can also support the scene which cannot be supported by the conventional scheme; and thus the method has great significance for the improvement on MPLS-TP technology-based ring network performance....
The MPLS-TP proposal contains a set of compatible technology enhancements to existing MPLS standards to extend the definition of MPLS to include support for traditional transport operational models. This proposal adopts all of the supporting quality of service (QoS) and other mechanisms already defined...