mplayer -slave -input file=</tmp/fifofile> <movie> Most slave mode commands are equivalent to command line options, though not necessarily under the same name. Detailed descriptions can be found in the man page. All commands can be prefixed with one of "pausing ", "pausing_keep ", or ...
Most slave mode commands are equivalent to command line options, though not necessarily under the same name. Detailed descriptions can be found in the man page.All commands can be prefixed with one of "pausing ", "pausing_keep ", or "pausing_toggle ". "pausing " tells MPlayer to pause ...
接下来看use Movie player这个选项,选中mplayer,这下我们就能调用mplayer了。 试一下,发现了看带字幕的电影有乱码问题嘛,去修改调用mpayer的参数吧,还是在KMplayer上选中配置按钮,选中General Options(一般选项)->Mplayer->Additional command line arguments->加上 -subcp gbk指定字幕文件字符集。 改完以后,发现字幕...
commands separated by a newline (\n) from stdin. To try slave mode out by hand, run mplayer -slave -quiet <movie> and type slave commands into the console window. Most slave mode commands are equivalent to command line options, though not ...
commands separated by a newline (\n) from stdin. To try slave mode out by hand, run mplayer -slave -quiet movie and type slave commands into the console window. Most slave mode commands are equivalent to command line options, though not necessarily under the same name. Detailed descriptions...
options 打印所有可用的选项 msgcharset 6 6 转换控制台消息为指定的字符集 默认是自动侦测 autodetect 文字的字符集编码用选项 charset 指定配置 设置为 noconv 以停用转换 为了如 iconv 问题 8 F 选项在命令行解析完成后生效 环境变量 MPLAYER CHARSET 能帮你去除开头几行混乱的输出 msgcolor 在支持 ANSI 彩色...
−list-options 打印所有可用的选项。 −msgcharset <字符集> 转换控制台消息为指定的字符集(默认是自动侦测: autodetect)。文字的字符集编码用选项 −−charset 指定配置。设置为 "noconv" 以停用转换 (为了如: iconv 问题)。 注意: 选项在命令行解析完成后生效。环境变量 MPLAYER_CHARSET 能帮你去除开头...
If you give more than one of -dumpaudio, -dumpvideo, -dumpstream on the command line only the last one will work. -dvbin <options> (DVB only) Pass the following parameters to the DVB input module, in order to override the default ones: card=<1-4> Specifies using card number 1-4...
-list-options打印所有可用的选项。 -msgcharset 766转换控制台消息为指定的字符集(默认是自动侦测: autodetect)。文字的字符集编码用选项 --charset 指定配置。设置为 noconv以停用转换 (为了如: iconv 问题)。 8F: 选项在命令行解析完成后生效。环境变量 MPLAYER_CHARSET能帮你去除开头几行混乱的输出。 -msg...
Hi, I'm Lisa Melton. I wrote MPlayerShell because I was unhappy with the visual experience built into MPlayer on OS X, specifically playing video via the mplayer and mplayer2 command line utilities.I love the flexibility and power of MPlayer, but here are some of the problems I was ...