在MPLAB X IDE 中,中断函数是指中断服务程序(Interrupt Service Routine,ISR),它在特定事件发生时自动执行。中断函数通常用于处理实时事件,如定时器溢出、外部中断等。 在MPLAB X IDE 中,可以使用 C 语言编写中断函数。中断函数的定义通常具有以下格式: c复制代码 voidinterrupt(interrupt_vector) { // 编写中断...
例如: #pragma interrupt high_interrupt_service_routine save=section("MATH_DATA") 上述所有例子都是保存单个值,也可以使用 save= 限定符保存多个变量和段.如果一 个中断服务程序使用了 PROD 数据寄存器, .tmpdata 段, myint 变量和 mydata 段,则应该在中断 pragma 伪指令中使用 save=PROD, section (".tmp...
Posts a semaphore or increments a counting semaphore from within an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). b) Mutex Functions Name OSAL_MUTEX_Create OSAL_MUTEX_Delete OSAL_MUTEX_Lock OSAL_MUTEX_Unlock Description Creates a mutex. Deletes a mutex. Locks a mutex. Unlocks a mutex. c) Critical Section...
- 处理中断服务程序(Interrupt Service Routine, ISR)中的陷阱/ 中断。应该包含trap.c 形式的代码,即: void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _OscillatorFail(void); void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _AltOscillatorFail(void); void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _OscillatorFail(void) { INTCO...
XC32 C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide 13.3.2 Note: Interrupt Pragma The interrupt pragma is provided only for compatibility when porting code from other compilers. The interrupt function attribute is the preferred and more common way to write an interrupt service routine. # pragma interrupt function-...
Interrupt Module Interrupts are enabled or disabled in the Interrupt Module. The interrupt service routine will have to be added to the application code but the register setup will be handled by the MCC in this easy setup window. 0 Tags:_$sub_ ...
PIC18 devices implement two separate interrupt vector locations and use a simple priority scheme. Some PIC18 devices use a vectored interrupt controller to invoke multiple interrupt functions. In C source code, a function can be written to act as the interrupt service routine (see 5.8.1 Writing...
MPLAB Harmony兼容性辅助表说明书 MPLAB Harmony Compatibility Worksheet The first column in this worksheet references by section number, the related information in the MPLAB Harmony Compatibility Guide. This guide is located within the MPLAB Harmony Help in the Understanding MPLAB Harmony section.Use this...
MPLABIDE概述 •基于Windows的集成开发环境应用软件包,是为PIC系列MCU专门设计的•用于PIC单片机代码的编辑、汇编和链接。•可从Microchip网站免费下载•Microchip提供支持和维护•MPLABIDE可用于从8位、16位到32位MCU和DSC全部产品 业界横向支持面最集中 MPLAB® IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment Built-inEditor La...
When developing embedded applications, the interrupt routines must be as fast as possible, to avoid timing issues, and to make sure all interrupts are handled. Therefore, the USART transmission (which is time-consuming) must not be done in the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), but in the ma...