Pure MPI:likwid-mpirun -np 16 -- ./a.out The double dash is necessary to prevent scanning of application arguments. This will start 16 processes, the number of processes per compute node are taken from the PBS node file. If ppn is eight, eight processes are pinned to cores/SMT threads...
- mpirun - -np - "16" - -bind-to - none - -map-by - slot - -ppn - "8" - /codes/HelloMPI/hello imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: - name: all-icr-io Worker: replicas: 2 template: spec: containers: - image: uk.icr.io/hf-roks-uk/ubuntu-18.04-devel-mpich:v0 name:...
crtn.o rm /tmp/iccdummyIELLnK.c rm /tmp/iccdashvTtJSO8 rm /tmp/icclibgccCpJzhx rm /tmp/iccdummyLofMKV.c rm /tmp/iccgccdashvUdD0dk rm /tmp/iccgnudirseAOIII rm /tmp/iccolispo9VJg rm /tmp/iccalisgWyLkF rm /tmp/iccelisoj5AV3 rm /tmp/iccllisIwDh7Q rm /tmp/iccslisw0j8Hf ...