the government has implemented mobile banking with two-way authentication, which means that anybody who possesses mobile banking now has an extra layer of security. To utilize it, he must conduct his own transaction using two-way authentication. That is...
The Assembly's power of incorporation became the primary means by which Jeffersonians sought to create more banking opportunity while also asserting control over banks. Most Federalists preferred a more limited role for the state with regard to banking regulation.;Both national banks were ...
debt management program thus undermining the principal's goals.;Utilizing descriptive research, this study begins by generally examining the debt refinancing practices and trends of state governments over the last few decades as a means of providing general context to the main research area at hand....
(iii) averages of the efficiency measures obtained using data envelopment analysis do not differ substantially from standard econometric measures.The second essay, by means of a diagram and simple examples, explains the workings of data envelopment analysis, a linear programming approach to estimating ...
This means that even though increased competition among banks for all EU countries has decreased the distance between best performers and worst performers, the latter cannot yet reach the best performers because all countries motivated by competition keep improving their banking cost structure....
The analysis initially assumes banks to be risk neutral, but show that most of the results are unaffected by the introduction of risk aversion.; The second essay analyses the severity of gridlocks in interbank payment systems operating on a real time basis and evaluates by means of simulations ...
In a deregulated world, such banking firms would present unique problems in applying bankruptcy law. Banks would seek to avoid the costs of runs by invoking the principles of bankruptcy law. But the presence of illiquid assets means bankruptcy would be time consuming under current laws, which is...
Weber defended liberal order from a purely procedural perspective, where democracy is seen as a means to allow expression of competing values in society. The United States' founding fathers were themselves tremendously instrumental in the identification of pluralism as a mechanism for positive outputs....
While, in the long-run, more FDI can be attained by persisting support for FDI liberalization through bilateral or multilateral means, continuing of the privatization process, and implementing appropriate monetary and fiscal policies for economic reforms and international integration with the world ...
The limited liability of banks and the presence of a negative externality of one bank's failure on the health of other banks give rise to a , an outcome that has the potential to destabilize the global banking system.New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration.Acharya, ...