可以使用MPI_Send和MPI_Recv在数组中发送数组。MPI_Send和MPI_Recv是MPI库中用于消息传递的函数,可以在并行计算中实现进程间的通信。在发送和接收数组时,需要指定数组的首地址和元素个数,以及数据类型。 MPI_Send函数用于发送消息,可以将数组中的数据发送给其他进程。它的参数包括发送缓冲区的首地址、发送数...
MPI_Imrecv MPI_Irecv MPI_Irsend MPI_Isend MPI_Issend MPI_Mprobe MPI_Mrecv MPI_Probe MPI_Recv MPI_Recv_init MPI_Request_free MPI_Request_get_status MPI_Rsend MPI_Rsend_init MPI_Send MPI_Send_init MPI_Sendrecv MPI_Sendrecv_replace ...
MPI_Sendrecv(void*sendbuf//initial address of send buffer intsendcount//number of entries to send MPI_Datatype sendtype//type of entries in send buffer intdest//rank of destination intsendtag//send tag void*recvbuf//initial address of receive buffer intrecvcount//max number of entries to ...
我正在尝试一个用于格子boltzmann建模的CUDA代码,并且在MPI_Send和MPI_Recv函数中遇到了令人沮丧的问题。我已经验证了我有CUDA感知的MPI和一些简单的设备缓冲区到设备缓冲区MPI发送/ recv代码,这样我就可以在GPU设备内存之间发送和recv数组,而无需通过CPU/主机。我的代码
编译mpi c程序 用mpicc 例:mpicc -Wall my_sa.cpp -o my_sa 编译mpi c+程序 用mpicxx 例:mpicxx -Wall my_sa.cpp -o my_sa 执行mpi程序:mpiexec -n4./my_sa MPI_SENDRECV(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dest, sendtag, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, source, recvtag, comm, status) ...
void *receiveBuffer,int recvcnt,MPI_Datatype recvtype,MPI_Comm comm,int rank,int size) { int i,j; MPI_Status status; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { if(rank==i) { MPI_Sendrecv(sendBuffer+(sendcnt*i)*sizeof(sendtype),sendcnt,sendtype,i,99,receiveBuffer+(recvcnt*i)*sizeof(recvtype)...
MPI_Status* stats = (MPI_Status*)calloc(numprocs - 1,sizeof(MPI_Status)); int* indices = (int*)calloc((numprocs - 1),sizeof(int)); int** lsum = (int**)calloc(numprocs - 1,sizeof(int*)); intsendlen =0,hassend=0;
Hi All, I am going to report deadlock with nonblocking send/recv and waitall. In the following code part, the model is deadlocked (infinite wait).
dear all, I have a problem with MPI_Sendrecv, probably because I do not understand it. In my program I create a Cartesian topology: periods = .FALSE.