MPI_Scatterv MPI_Exscan MPI_Op_create MPI_Op_free MPI_Reduce_local MPI_Reduce_scatter MPI_Scan MPI_User_function MPI Communicator 函数 MPI 数据类型函数 MPI 组函数 MPI 点到点函数 MPI 进程拓扑函数 MPI 管理功能 MPI 信息对象函数 MPI 进程管理功能 ...
强烈建议读者朋友在自己的电脑上测试上述代码,以便加强理解。其中广播的仅用到了 + 运算符,而这些广播...
MPI(Message Passing Interface) 是一种可以支持点对点和广播的通信协议,具体实现的库有很多,使用比较...
1.在每个进程中选择n(不同的值)。最好在rank 0中选择它,并将其bcast到其余进程。1.当计算j时,...
MPI通信的几种模式, Broadcast, Scatter, Gather, Allgather, Reduce, AllReduce 1.Broadcast 2.Scatter 3.Gather 4.Reduce 5.AllGather 6.Allreduce
M.: Efficient implementation of reduce-scatter in MPI - Bernaschi, Iannello, et al. - 2003 () Citation Context ...tion which use them [1]. For this reason, significant efforts have been put on design and implementation of efficient collective algorithms both for homogeneous and heterogeneous ...
この包括的なガイドを使用して、MPI_Reduce_scatter関数をマスターします。 実装を成功させるために構文、パラメーター、および戻り値について説明します。
MPI_Barrier MPI_Bcast MPI_Gather MPI_Gatherv MPI_Iallgather MPI_Iallreduce MPI_Ibarrier MPI_Ibcast MPI_Igather MPI_Igatherv MPI_Ireduce MPI_Iscatter MPI_Iscatterv MPI_Reduce MPI_Scatter MPI_Scatterv MPI_Exscan MPI_Op_create MPI_Op_free MPI_Reduce_local MPI_Reduce_scatter MPI_Scan MPI_...
M.: Efficient implementation of reduce-scatter in MPI - Bernaschi, Iannello, et al. - 2003 () Citation Context ...tion which use them [1]. For this reason, significant efforts have been put on design and implementation of efficient collective algorithms both for homogeneous and heterogeneous ...
MPI_Reduce_scatter函式 發行項 2024/01/17 3 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 參數 傳回值 Fortran 顯示其他 2 個 結合值和散布結果。 語法 c++ 複製 int MPIAPI MPI_Reduce_scatter( _In_ void *sendbuf, _Out_ void *recvbuf, _In_ int *recvcounts, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op...