是指在使用MPI库中的MPI_Type_contiguous函数定义自定义数据类型时,出现了数据分段错误的情况。 MPI_Type_contiguous函数用于创建连续的自定义数据类型,它可以将多个相同类型的数据元素组合成一个连续的数据块。这个函数的语法如下: int MPI_Type_contiguous(int count, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)...
intMPIAPIMPI_Type_contiguous(intcount, MPI_Datatype oldtype, _Out_ MPI_Datatype *newtype ); 参数 计数 新数据类型中的元素数。 oldtype 每个元素的 MPI 数据类型。 newtype[out] 返回时,包含表示新数据类型的MPI_Datatype句柄。 返回值 返回成功时MPI_SUCCESS。 否则,返回值为错误代码。
tp,err)tp=tp+1callsof_glist(sofgl)callmpi_type_contiguous(sofgl,mpi_integer,mpi_type_glist,err)callmpi_type_commit(mpi_type_glist,err)callmpi_type_get_extent(mpi_type_glist,ii,ij,err)write(*,*)'extend: ',ii,ijallocate(glsize(np),nglinv(np),nglinp(np))glsize(1)=5g...
Many of these applications are based on the ubiquitous Message Passing Interface (MPI) programming paradigm, and take advantage of non-contiguous memory layouts to exchange data between processes. However, support for efficient non- contiguous data movements for GPU-resident data is still in its ...
The package MPI for Python (mpi4py) allows writing efficient parallel programs that scale across multiple nodes. However, it does not support non-contiguous data via slices, which is a well-known feature of NumPy. In this work, we therefore evaluate several methods to ...
To avoid this problem, MPI–IO allows users to access noncontiguous data with a single I/O function call, unlike in Unix I/O. In this paper, we explain how critical this feature of MPI–IO is for high performance and how it enables implementations to perform optimizations. We first ...
MPI Derived Datatypes Processing on Noncontiguous GPU-resident Data | John Jenkins, James Dinan, Pavan Balaji, Tom Peterka, Nagiza F. Samatova, Rajeev Thakur | Algorithms, Computer science, CUDA, MPI, nVidia, Tesla C2050DOI: http://hgpu.org/?p=9304 年份...
Python is becoming increasingly popular in scientific computing. The package MPI for Python (mpi4py) allows writing efficient parallel programs that scale
intMPIAPIMPI_Type_contiguous(intcount, MPI_Datatype oldtype, _Out_ MPI_Datatype *newtype ); 参数 返回值 返回成功时MPI_SUCCESS。 否则,返回值为错误代码。 在Fortran 中,返回值存储在IERROR参数中。 Fortran FORTRAN MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS(COUNT, OLDTYPE, NEWTYPE, IERROR)INTEGERCOUNT, OLDTYPE, NEW...
Worringen, J., Tra¨ff, J.L., Ritzdorf, H.: Improving generic non-contiguous file ac- cess for MPI-IO. In: Proceedings of the 10th EuroPVM/MPI Conference. (Septem- ber 2003)Worringen, J., Tr¨aff, J.L., Ritzdorf, H.: Improving generic non-contiguous file access for MPI-IO....