调用MPI_Alltoallw函数的结果就像每个进程使用MPI_Send(sendbuf+sdispls[i],sendcounts[i],sendtypes[i] ,i,...)向其他每个进程发送了一条消息,并通过调用MPI_Recv(recvbuf+rdispls[i],recvcounts[i],recvtypes[i] ,i,...)从其他每个进程接收消息。
After some investigation we found that the problem is located to MPI_Alltoallw(). After searching, I found that Intel's MPI_Alltoallw() is a naive implementation of Isend/Irecv and has no alternatives for tuning like other collectives. To prove our results, I have created a C++ demo ...
從群組的所有成員收集數據並散佈數據。MPI_Alltoallw函式是此 API 中最一般的完整數據交換形式。MPI_Alltoallw啟用計數、位移和數據類型的個別規格。 語法 c++複製 intMPIAPIMPI_Alltoallw( _In_void*sendbuf, _In_int*sendcounts[], _In_int*sdispls[], _In_ MPI_Datatype sendtypes[], _Out_void*recv...
After some investigation we found that the problem is located to MPI_Alltoallw(). After searching, I found that Intel's MPI_Alltoallw() is a naive implementation of Isend/Irecv and has no alternatives for tuning like other collectives. To prove our results, I have created a C++ demo ...
MPI_Alltoallw関数の呼び出しの結果は、各プロセスが を使用MPI_Send(sendbuf+sdispls[i],sendcounts[i],sendtypes[i] ,i,...)して他のすべてのプロセスにメッセージを送信し、 を呼び出MPI_Recv(recvbuf+rdispls[i],recvcounts[i],recvtypes[i] ,i,...)して他のすべてのプロセスからメ...