不管你是出于什么原因想学习并行编程(parallel programming),或者说分布式编程、并行编程,也许是因为课程需要,或者是工作,或者单纯地觉得好玩,我觉得你都应该选择一项在未来几年依然十分有价值的技术去学习。我觉得「消息传递接口」(Message Passing Interface, MPI)就是这样一项技术,而且学习它确实可以让你的并行编程知识...
# dotProductParallel_1.py # "to run" syntax example: mpiexec -n 4 python26 dotProductParallel_1.py 40000 from mpi4py import MPI import numpy import sys comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # read from command line # n = int(sys.argv[1]) #leng...
local_y)])#sum the results of each#comm.Reduce(local_dot, dot, op=MPI.SUM)comm.Allreduce(local_dot, dot, op=MPI.SUM)print("The dot product is", dot[0],"computed in parallel")ifrank ==0:#print("The dot product is", dot[0], "computed in parallel"...
# dotProductParallel_1.py# "to run" syntax example: mpiexec -n 4 python26 dotProductParallel_1.py 40000from mpi4py import MPIimport numpyimport syscomm = MPI.COMM_WORLDrank = comm.Get_rank()size = comm.Get_size()# read from command line# n = int(sys.argv[1]) #length of vectors...
不管你是出于什么原因想学习并行编程(parallel programming),或者说分布式编程、并行编程,也许是因为课程需要,或者是工作,或者单纯地觉得好玩,我觉得你都应该选择一项在未来几年依然十分有价值的技术去学习。我觉得「消息传递接口」(Message Passing Interface, MPI)就是这样一项技术,而且学习它确实可以让你的并行编程知识...
Parallel Programming with MPI PDF Parallel programming is a technique that allows multiple processors to work together to solve a problem. The basic idea is to split the problem into smaller pieces that can be solved simultaneously, with each processor working on its own piece of the problem. ...
无意中发现了一个Python下的mpi教程《A Python Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI 1.0.2 documentation》 地址如下: https://materials.jeremybejarano.com/MPIwithPython/# === 这里给出自己的一些学习笔记: Point-to-Point Communication The Trapezoidal Rule 关于这个梯形规则,...
debug一个并行程序(parallel program)向来是件很麻烦的事情(Erlang等functional programming language另当别论), 对于像MPI这种非shared memory的inter-process model来说尤其如此。 与调试并行程序相关的工具 非开源工具 目前我所了解的商业调试器(debugger)有: ...
MPIWait-less programmingThroughout the years the introductions of new programming paradigms have been greeted by many with skepticism. From goto-less (or structured) programming [1,2] to lock-free programming [3] there was an initial feeling of "how can this possibly work, and if it does ...
有兴趣的同学可以进一步研究一下,欢迎交流。 参考 MPI for Python 2.0.0 documentation MPI Tutorial A Python Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI 《高性能计算并行编程技术-MPI并行程序设计》 《MPI并行程序设计实例教程》