注意电路中使用的端接,以便正确设置幅度测量,将非常关键,特别是在控制器上动态切换LA和SA之间的摆幅时。 为检定和调试M-PHY发射机,推荐使用6GHz以上带宽的示波器,检定今年春天1.0版标准中规定的第一个变通方案HS Gear 1。对其它HS档位,将需要8GHz仪器,在规范±5%范围内捕获70-psec上升时间精度。对接收机测试,...
图8 NRZ Encoding示意图 Type I、II二种模组都支援LS-Mode,只取决于讯号是使用PWM或SYS做为传输方式而已,通常M-PHY是以Gear分出速度的等级,以Type I而言,预设传输速度是落在3?9Mbit/s区间的PWM-G1,向上以两倍的传输速度增加,以此类推PWM-G2就会是6? 18Mbit/s,一直到PWM-G7是192?576Mbit/s,也有比预设...
通过将端接电压设置为等于输入信号的直流偏置电压,可以消除探头直流负载。 根据图 2 所示的图形和值,参考负载 ZREF_RT 的回波损耗进一步指定了 GEAR 3 速度和更高速度下的 M-PHY 总线的终端。高回波损耗限制了来自 LINE 的不需要的反射,这些反射可能会 影响测量的质量。 图2. M-PHY 总线的终端由此处所示的参...
台湾新竹-2018年9月27日-全球精品硅智财开发商円星科技(M31 Technology,台湾股票代号: 6643)宣布,其所开发的MIPI M-PHY Gear3 IP 已获得ISO 26262 ASIL B认证,将提供国际一级车用电子大厂采用,提供安全可靠的车用电子设计。 由行动产业处理器接口联盟 (MIPI Alliance) 推动的 MIPI M-PHY,具有高带宽、低功...
Dual data rates for each HS Gear: Each of the HS Gears supports two different data rates, A and B, as shown in Table 1. This feature allows moving common mode M-PHY signal away from sensitive RF LNAs signals such as GPS LNA or when handset has to support different geographical regions...
力科WaveMaster 8 Zi 示波器的带宽可满足多速需求,例如Gear、1、2、3具有从4GHz到45GHz带宽范围的的模组。 PeRT3 (协议有效的接收机和发射机容限测试工具)Eagle系统被设计为用来对接收器进行压力测试。PeRT3填补了物理层测试和协议测试之间的空白,提供了全新的更加智能的功能来对接收机和发射机进行性能测试,从而对...
Version 5.0 of the M-PHY interface adds a fifth gear—"High Speed Gear 5" (HS-G5) at 23.32 Gigabits per second (Gbps)—enabling engineers to double the potential data rate per lane compared with the previous specification. M-PHY v5.0 also responds to a r...
Ideally, a probe and scope should have very low capacitance and a rise time 3X faster than the signal being measured. Using the rise time value for GEAR 3, it is difficult to find a scope or probe that has a rise time 3X faster than 17.2ps (0.1*UI). It is an easier task to find...
The MIPI M-PHY Gear 4 IP is compatible with the most recent MIPI Feature Storage IP Solution SerDes PHY Product Brief Alliance M-PHY v4.1 Specification, UniPro v1.8 Specification, and Universal ... 4 IP Provider: Give the best exposure to your IPs, by listing your products for free in...
M31 Technology announced today that its MIPI M-PHY Gear3 IP has been certified with the ASIL B safety level of ISO 26262 and will be used by international first-class automotive electronics manufacturers to provide safe and reliable automotive SoC design