LSE EME是全球最好的经济学PhD跳板之一,LSE FE也是金融学PhD全球第一梯队跳板,能去就去吧。不要拿...
leadingtoanMPhilorPhD.Otherdoctoralstudents,pursuingspecializeddoctoratesinclinical studies,arealsoattachedtoPS,andparticipateinthefullrangeofpost-graduatelifeinthe Department,includingtheresearchtrainingsessionsandmonthlyseminars[see8]below.The Departmentcanofferstudentsinternationalexpertiseinthefollowingareas: ...
Degree PhD Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus The Environmental Science PhD/MPhil programme brings together world-leading researchers based at the University of Liverpool and collaborators across industry, charitable organisations and other research institutes. Our research combines cutting-edge theory...
The proposal must demonstrate that a candidate has realistic and adequateaims and objectives for the period leading to the transfer of registration from MPhil to PhD (normally corresponding to 12 months of full-time study or 24 months of part-time study). Research proposal template 1. Working ...
We are pleased to invite applications to the Art Research MPhil/ PhD programme in the world-leading Art Department at Goldsmiths for September 2023 entry.
MPhil-PhD in Government and Public Administration Programme Information This is a research-type programme leading to the degree of MPhil or PhD in Government and Public Administration. Students admitted to the MPhil stream and the PhD stream will take the same courses, but with higher requirements...
Any increase/enhancement in the scope of research leading to an increase in the cost incurred, after approval of synopsis and principle agreement, will be rejected. The scholarship award shall be valid for one year for M.Phil. & initially one year for Ph.D. The grant is liable to renewal...
Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus Introduction The Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE), originally named Building Services Engineering (BSE), was officially established in December 1981, and has become one of the largest BEEE departments worldwide. As a leading.....
Undertaking the UCL Economics doctorate programme affords students excellent networking opportunities from the outset, and outstanding employment options upon completion. The department is committed to maximising PhD students’ ability to gain employment in leading academic departments, research centres and fina...
Our PhD graduates aspire to pursue academic careers in top business schools of world-class universities. Employability Students acquire rigorous academic and interpersonal skills to perform cutting-edge research in management. This prepares them for academic and research-based careers in leading universities...