Honda Civic Aero Deck (2000 YM) MPG (Fuel Consumption), Road Tax, Fuel Economy and emissions data. Compare Car MPGs. Average fuel consumption: 33.09MPG, average CO2 emissions:202.24 g/km based on 17 models.
The hybrid Civic returns after a decade with a 2.0-liter four-pot and dual electric motors that combine for an estimated 200 hp and 232 pound-feet of torque.
24款本田思域(Honda Civic)Touring 24款本田思域(Honda Civic)Touring无疑是一个充满吸引力的包裹,结合了高燃油效率、时尚设计以及令人愉悦的驾驶体验。这款车型保持了思域家族一贯的优良传统,同时在性能和技术方面进行了更新,进一步巩固了其在紧凑型车市场的地位。 发动机、变速箱和性能 2024款思域Touring搭载的是经过...
Honda Civic Hybrid--Suing over MPG in Small Claims Court Heather Peters sued Honda in small claims court because her Honda Civic Hybrid did not deliver the 50 MPG promised on the window sticker. The court awarded her $9,867 for"extra money spent on fuel, both in the past and future, th...
This winter, EcoModder member Mike Turner was looking for a way to give the motoring public more information about his 1992 Honda Civic CX, which he has extensively modified to improve aerodynamics and reduce fuel consumption. Initially, he posted the car's "stats" directly on its flank: coe...
Shown for a Honda B16A2 engine (96-00 Civic Si) - Thanks Some cars' engine control units (ECUs) adjust the air/fuel mixture based partly on readings from the intake air temperature (IAT) sensor. The warmer the air, the leaner the mixture, up to a point: "OBD2 systems ...
With a roomy estate premiering at last week's Frankfurt show, as well as more details of the Type-R hatchback to come, Honda clearly has a lot more plans for its UK-built Civic range. Glenn Brooks samples the new 1.6-litre diesel hatchback.The Civic hatchback seems to be one of those...
卡罗拉最大的竞争对手,基于Civic的Honda Insight,在高端车型中与EPA的估计相符,高端Prius车型也是如此。标准的2020卡罗拉轿车得到的EPA估计为32至34 mpg。 为了区别于普通的卡罗拉,混合动力轿车拥有自己的15英寸铝制轮毂和特殊标志,但除此之外,它与标准车型相同。另一个混合动力独有的是仪表盘的7.0英寸显示屏,显示屏...
相比之下,美国车的油耗大多在18-30MPG之间。此外,发动机的大小也会影响油耗。一般来说,发动机排量越小,燃油经济性越好。虽然大排量的V8 4.6L发动机听起来很吸引人,但老式Lincoln的油耗只能达到约13MPG。相反,2000年生产的Honda Civic凭借其优秀的燃油经济性,可以实现高达40MPG的油耗表现。
以具体车型为例,虽然老式Lincoln V8 4.6L的发动机听起来非常强大,但它的油耗表现却并不理想,只能达到约13MPG。相比之下,2000年生产的Honda Civic在油耗方面则表现得更为出色,可以达到高达40MPG的水平。总的来说,无论是使用MPG还是百公里油耗作为衡量标准,选择一款油耗表现优秀的汽车都是非常重要的。这不仅...