Conjunction analysis of the brain activation patterns of SN and MN compared with those of UN reveals that the MPFC, ACC, and SFG are activated both in SN and MN conditions.Gaowa WuyunMin ShuZhijun CaoWei Hua...
大脑网状激活系统(Default Mode Network,DMN)是一种神经调控系统,最早由Raichle等人在2001年提出。DMN由多个脑区域连接组成,这些区域包括前扣带皮质(anterior cingulate cortex,ACC)、后扣带皮质(posterior cingulate cortex,PCC)、内侧前额叶皮质(medial prefrontal cortex,mPFC)等。DMN的激活状态是在静息状态下产生的皮层...
Increased activity of the MPFC and ACC associated with the self-referential relative to other-referential.Wenjing, YangPeiduo, LiuQian, CuiDongtao, WeiWenfu, LiJiang, QiuQinglin, Zhang
Outline A New Theory of mPFC Function : The ACC-RO Model Metathematic Life Raft Function of the mPFCBrown, Josh