Fund Expense Ratio (FER) 基金開支比率 The FER is a percentage which provides a measure of the total expenses incurred in a fund over total assets in a financial period. It is calculated with data from the previous financial period and should be published in the fund fact sheet of a scheme...
square bracket 13The Fund Expense Ratio (FER) outlines the fees and charges of the relevant constituent fund in percentage for the financial year which ended on 30 June 2024. square bracket 14This condition does not apply to balances in a personal account (as defined in the General Regulation...
FundDescriptorEquityFund[HongKong] 基金類型描述股票基金[香港] FundExpenseRatio基金開支比率1.72% InvestmentManager投資經理 Fidelity富達 RiskIndicator風險指標 AnnualisedStandardDeviation年度標準差17.15% Top10PortfolioHoldings投資組合內十大資產 8 TencentHoldings騰訊控股9.4% ...
Fund Expense Ratio (財政年度 Financial year 31/12/16) 1.74% 基金表現1 Fund Performance1 每年平均回報率 Annualised Rate of Return 1年 1 year 3年 3 years 5年 5 years 基金 Fund 11.21% 甲類消費物價指數 CPI Type A* 2.17% 3.99% 2.45% 3.63% 3.72% 曆年回報 Calender-year Return 年初至今 ...
With this in mind, the MPFA provides a Fee Comparative Platform showing the Fund Expense Ratio (i.e. the total amount of expenses charged) of all MPF funds. Service comparison In addition to investment performance and fees, another key consideration for selecting a preferred MPF scheme is the...
基金開支比率 Fund Expense Ratio (FER). 基金經理 / 投資經理 Fund Manager / Investment Manager. 環球債券基金 Global Bond Funds. 2 強積金資訊服務平台 - 積金快線 – 強積金新聞、雜誌及文章 Follow Us on Linkedin. 第15期 : 2014年第3季 - ...
Mixed Assets Fund - Global - Max. equity 60% 混合資產基金 - 環球 - 最高股票比重 60% Fund Expense Ratio 基金開支比率 1.20% 2 Risk Indicator 風險指標 7.55% Fund Commentary 基金評論 US and euro-zone equities fell in March amid growing fears of a global trade war. ...
We find that a typical Mandatory Provident Fund is running an expense ratio of about 2.0% per year, or about 15 times that of an exchange-traded index fund. Over 40 years, as much as 55% of today's capital and returns will be eaten up by MPF expenses. And all this for a ...
The actual return may be different.]; and (c) the expenses of the funds (expressed as a percentage called the 'fund expense ratio' below) remain the same for each fund for all the periods shown in this illustration. BASED ON THE ABOVE ASSUMPTIONS, YOUR COSTS ON EACH HK$1,000 ...
Q2. A friend has said that MPF charges have a direct bearing on the net returns and that I should consider and compare such charges by measuring the fund expense ratio. What is the fund expense ratio? 強積金收費的高低會直接影響淨回報,我聽朋友說,考慮及比較收費時應以「基金開支比率」衡量,...