举例来说,非范围完全重迭的重复授权(Double Patenting)核驳,先前MPEP改版时已由显而易见型重复授权(Obviousness-type Double Patenting:ODP)改称非法定重复授权(Nonstatutory Double Patenting:NDP),现又将简称由NDP微调为NSDP。而如MPEP 804.I.B.1的修订,则偏补充说明性质:旧版文字已规定,若审查官制发NDP核驳,申...
Where both the patent under examination (via a reexamination proceeding or a reissue application) and the reference patent are post-URAA, "an earlier-expiring patent can qualify as an obviousness-type double patenting reference for a later-expiring patent." Gilead Sciences, Inc. v. Natco ...
Obviousness-type double patenting rejection– asserts that claims presented in multiple applications should have been presented all in one application. Papers submitted in a parent do not automatically become part of the continuing application (unless it’s a CPA).Such documents can be copied and re...
Permitting such a retroactive terminal disclaimer would be inconsistent with '[t]he fundamental reason' for obviousness-type double patenting, namely, 'to prevent unjustified timewise extension of the right to exclude.'" (quoting In re Van Ornum, 686 F.2d 937, 943-44, 214 USPQ 761, 766 ...