MPEG-H 3D AUDIO MPEG-H是一种新的国际音频标准,为广播、流媒体和虚拟/增强现实应用程序提供个性化的沉浸式声音。该标准旨在满足艺术家和内容提供者的创造性和技术需求,同时赋予消费者个性化的音频体验并享受来自四面八方的声音。 凭借内置的渲染和高级动态范围控制功能,MPEG-H为所有设备提供高质量的终端用户体验,这些...
MPEG-H Audio is a new, next-generation audio technology providing more realism through sound from above as well as around the listener. raunhofer provide an open source decoder on their github page – mpeghdec. It could add support for decoding mpegh_3d_audio, which is already being used in Korean terrestrial TV (ATSC 3.0) and upcoming 4k TV standards in Europe. The documentation...
MPEG-H 3D Audio standard can support up to 128 channels and 128 objects mapped up to 64 loudspeakers. However, MPEG-H 3D Audio Low complexity profile level 3 has been defined to limit decoder complexity to manageable levels for consumer devices. This profile is targeted towards TV / consum...
In this context, the ISO/MPEG standardization group has started the MPEG-H 3D Audio development effort to facilitate high-quality bitrate-efficient production, transmission and reproduction of such immersive audio material. The underlying format is designed to provide universal means for carriage of ...
【流媒体网】摘要:索尼还加入了由Fraunhofer管理的MPEG-H音频系统商标计划,并成为获得许可的最终产品制造商。 CE(欧盟强制认证)对德国研究机构Fraunhofer的MPEG-H三维声(MPEG-H 3D Audio)基本型解码器软件进行了授权,并将其加入到MPEG-H商标计划中。 MPEG-H三维声是适用于广播电视和沉浸式音乐流媒体领域的下一代音...
MPEG-H 3D AudioTerrestrial broadcastingAiming to enhance the audio service of terrestrial broadcasting, it is considered that a broadcasting system is migrated to an object-based sound system. The object-based sound system in broadcasting is required to (i) deal with audio metadata to control ...
Initial commit of MPEG-H 3D Audio Low Complexity Profile Encoder Jul 18, 2022 toolchain_x86.cmake Initial commit of MPEG-H 3D Audio Low Complexity Profile Encoder Jul 18, 2022 Repository files navigation README BSD-3-Clause-Clear license Introduction of the MPEG-H 3D Audio Low Complexity Prof...
MPEG-H Audio 的突出特点之一是使广播公司能够提供 3D 音频效果,让听众从各个方向都能听到声音。这可能对体育和音乐会等现场活动特别有影响,因为空间音频可以重现身临其境的感觉。观众可以感受到人群的喧闹或现场音乐表演的细微差别,就像亲临现场一样。在现场音乐会中,MPEG-H Audio 允许多种音频视角,如艺术家的舞台...
[1]ISO/IEC 23008-3:2015 ISO/MPEG 3D音频标准High efficiency coding and media delivery inheterogeneous environments - Part 3: 3D audio,Information technology,2015年. [2] Herre, J.; Hilpert, J.; Kuntz, A.&Plogsties, J.,MPEG-H Audio-The New Stand...