MPDS stands for Materials Platform for Data Science. It provides curated high-quality materials data, manually extracted from about 300K scientific publications - MPDS
The field id is the permanent URL of the particular distinct phase at the MPDS platform. Its last integer part is the phase_id. The short and full formula stand for the terse plain-text and detailed HTML description of the chemical composition, respectively. The spg is the space group ...
mpds-platform Star Here are 5 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All mpds-io / mpds-api Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests Specs of the mass data retrieval interface for the Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS) data-science materials crystallography crystal-structure ...
Specs of the mass data retrieval interface for the Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS) data-science materials crystallography crystal-structure materials-science materials-informatics materials-platform phase-diagram phase-diagrams calphad mpds-api mpds-data mpds-platform Updated Aug 12, 2020 HTML...
Specs of the mass data retrieval interface for the Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS) data-science materials crystallography crystal-structure materials-science materials-informatics materials-platform phase-diagram phase-diagrams calphad mpds-api mpds-data mpds-platform Updated Aug 12, 2020 HTML...
Ermac is completely free software. Upon compilation it's just a fewstaticweb assets. Copy these files to your web-server in a subfolder and enjoy yourownMPDS platform. The data stays at the MPDS server. An arbitrary static web-server is required, e.g.python -m http.serverorphp -S loca...