Along with the improved functionality we’ve added iOS compatibility using the Camera Connection Kit (sold separately) and included over $400 of free software. Titles include: MPC Beats, Drum Synth 500 from AIR, Ableton Live Lite, and Software Preset Editor. Our MPD2 Series marks an important ...
此外,用户还可以从 MPD226 和 MPD232 的前面板享受直观的控制编辑,所有三个型号都可以通过包含的易于使用的 Preset Editor(预设编辑器)进行预设编辑,所以任何水平的音乐家都可以立马增强他们的表演。这些东西都是 Akai Professional MPD218、226 和 232 的独特之处。 Akai Professional 的产品经理 Dan Gill 表示: ...
Bundled software includes Akai Professional MPC Essentials, Big Bang Drums and Big Bang Cinema from Sonivox, Ableton Live Lite and a software preset editor. This software bundle provides everything you need to start producing right out of the box. USB Bus-Powered for Simple Connectivity...