Because of this fluctuation, power-meter measurements obtained at different times will be different form each other even if the applied strain remains the same. One way to tackle this problem is to take power-meter measurements using time averaging. However, this process results in a slow sensor...
That is the question posed not by Hamlet, but by George Medley, Signa Engineering, speaking at the 2010 SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference in Kuala Lumpur in late February. Indeed, the decision can be daunting. Fortunately, the industry is quickly developing ...
Automotive Innovations carries a full line of custom gas, brake, and clutch pedal extensions for all driver's needs. Left-Foot Gas Pedals: Your vehicle can be modified to allow you to use your left foot to control the gas pedal. This modification is designed for quick installation and remova...
with fine stepping. It is digitally operated but full analog in function. And it can be fully bypassed if you wish. When I asked about using this or the volume control in my preamp, Andreas said he doubted another volume control could be as good as the one his design partner Bert Vogt ...